Select framework for application development

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I have both framework 1.1 and 2.0 installed on my desktop. I sometimes need
change dot net framework for my application need. Does some one knows how to
switch framework on the Visual Studio 2003? If Visual studio can not do this,
how can I change framework to use for my applications?

Thanks lot in advance?

I have both framework 1.1 and 2.0 installed on my desktop. I sometimes need
change dot net framework for my application need. Does some one knows how
switch framework on the Visual Studio 2003? If Visual studio can not do
how can I change framework to use for my applications?

you cannot switch frameworks for the VS, however you can configure
particular applications to use particular version of the framework. you just
write a configuration file (nameofyourexe.exe.config) and put following text
into it:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<requiredRuntime version="V1.1.4322" safemode="true"/>
<supportedRuntime version="V1.1.4322" />

(this particular text forces unconditional use of the 1.1 framework)

read more on that topic on msdn, for example here:

Wiktor Zychla
Thanks for your help. YOur reply and linked article do help me. However, I
have some further questions related to this.

1: Can visual studio 2003 use framework 2.0 and build application with the
same framework?

2: If application is a web application running under, I saw IIS can
configure which framework to use. Is this right? With this environment, I use
frameowrk 2.0 and visual studio 2005 under window XP built an appication .
However, when I deployed this into a host that has the same set up (Running
also under window XP) configured using framwork 2.0, the IIS reposrt run time
error. Any comment on this?
1: Can visual studio 2003 use framework 2.0 and build application with the
same framework?

visual studio 2003 cannot use framework 2.0 to build applications, it uses
framework 1.1.
2: If application is a web application running under, I saw IIS
configure which framework to use. Is this right? With this environment, I

yes, this is right.
frameowrk 2.0 and visual studio 2005 under window XP built an appication .
However, when I deployed this into a host that has the same set up
also under window XP) configured using framwork 2.0, the IIS reposrt run
error. Any comment on this?

it depends on what kind of error you actually got. if you paste it here the
chance is that someone will be able to help.

Wiktor Zychla