Select Every Other file

  • Thread starter Thread starter rdt
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rdt said:
Is there a program/File Browser to select every other file or picture?

Why on earth would someone want to select every other file or picture?
What's the scenario?
Why on earth would someone want to select every other file or picture?
What's the scenario?

I think he wants to invert a selection. There is a menu entry inside
the Edit menu of the Windows Explorer doing just this. Some 2-pane
file managers support this function with the grey * key from Numpad.

Another possibility is the use of Explorer shell extensions for the
selection. One claiming to do this can be found here:

Why on earth would someone want to select every other file or picture?
What's the scenario?

What an absolute loser this guy is. Why can't the guy just ask a question and get an answer. Stupid human being. Even that reply was stupid for 2005.

To be helpful, you can either use cGPT, Claude, etc... to write a python script to do it. Still windows does not support this.

For me, I found it easy to just go to the bottom of the folder, hold click and drag upwards, then correct for any remaining ones. Best to copy them into a new folder per batch for ease. If you need them all selected, then make sure you hold down CTRL + SHIFT as you drag the cursor.
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