Select drive, then Transfer rspreadsheet?



Access 2000. I have an unbound form with, a textbox to enter the file name,
and two texboxes to enter the beginning and ending date. I also have a cmd
button which runs a macro to transfer spreadsheet to the "F" drive. This
is fine if the drive is always "F", sometimes it may be "A: the floppy drive
or a thumbdrive which may vary by computor. Is there a way that when I
click on the comand button, I must first select which drive I want to
transfer the files? Thanks Randy


A better way would be to use a Common Dialog box and the user can browse for
the drive, folder, and file name. For this you can use the activex control,
or you can download code that will use an API to do this for you.
Unfortunately, I can't remember where I got it. I do know it was written by
Ken Getz.


A better way would be to use a Common Dialog box and the user can
browse for the drive, folder, and file name. For this you can use the
activex control, or you can download code that will use an API to do
this for you. Unfortunately, I can't remember where I got it. I do
know it was written by Ken Getz.

You've got to be kidding Klatuu! Our favorite web site.
API: Call the standard Windows File Open/Save dialog box


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