Select Distinct suddenly fails



I am setting up "ACG PDF and Mail Library" from ATTAC Consulting Group,
which, until I added DonEmailAddr to this line, was humming along fine:

rsReports.Open "Select DISTINCT DonName, DonANDI, DonEmailAddr from
RptEndwmtRptQry WHERE DonEmailRept = True", conn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

Now it crashes with "No value given for one or more parameters." I modified
the code from an ATTAC example, so I am a little out of my league here.
Comparing their code with mine, I don't see a missing parameter. Any advice?

If it matters, for testing purposes only one of my 900+ records shows an
email address.


Allen Browne

The request for a parameter indicates that there is a name in the query
statement that Access cannot resolve.

One of the field names may be spelt wrongly.
The query might be called something else.
Or DonEmailRept might not be a Yes/No field.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

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