Select Distinct DataGrid



I have created a Typed DataSet that renders about 150 records.

I put these into a datagrid that obviously shows me 150 records.

My problem is now only one column is different most of the time.

Is there a (easy) way to get from this situation

ID Title Extra Other Date
01 myTitle extra other 15-02-2006
01 myTitle extra other 16-02-2006
01 myTitle extra other 17-02-2006
01 myTitle extra other 18-02-2006
01 myTitle extra other 19-02-2006
02 myTitle2 extra2 other 15-02-2006
02 myTitle2 extra2 other 16-02-2006
02 myTitle2 extra2 other 17-02-2006
02 myTitle2 extra2 other 18-02-2006
02 myTitle2 extra2 other 19-02-2006

to something like this
01 myTitle extra other details
02 myTitle2 extra2 other details

One problem is that these dates are one of the search items
in my SQl is writtten
WHERE Date BETWEEN date01 AND date02


Leon Mayne [MVP]

benoit said:
One problem is that these dates are one of the search items
in my SQl is writtten
WHERE Date BETWEEN date01 AND date02

Could you not use something like:

SELECT DISTINCT(ID), Title, Extra, Other, Date
FROM tablename
WHERE Date BETWEEN date01 AND date02



ok thanks
That's a start !
I''l try to figure out how to retrieve several columns with itinstead of the
single one in the example

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