Select a Video Hosting Provider? Why should I pay?

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I can not believe I have to send my movie to some company and HAVE to PAY for
their services when I have 3 FTP servers running at home. What gives
Microsoft? I really can't believe there is no way to input an address when at
the send movie to a hosting provider. Isn't MS making enough $ since
ACTIVATION went into effect 3 years ago? Just keep sucking the blood out of
us Billy. I'll just posted the movie I made to one of my FTP sites after
saving it to My Computer and then uploading it to my FTP server.
If you have three FTP servers running, then why don't you install a
streaming media server on your Server O/S? It's included in the Windows
2003 Server O/S CD... you add in in the usual way... Add/Remove in the
Control Panel, Add/Remove Windows Components...

Or try Free and good for 25 downloads or 7 days,
whichever comes first.
Thanks for replying PapaJohn

I believe there should be more options available in that menu. When I was
developing, testing and helping making chm's for MovieMaker during the
Millennium betas there were more options. During the beta testing period, I
believe PopCast was also an alternative and free. So why can't MS setup a
FREE site for their paying customers with a 500MB limit or so? I believe
there is more work to be done in this area.
Thanks Carl for replying

I do have a streaming media Windows Server 2003 R2 running. This covers me
but not the 'everyday joe' looking to post their movie. Thanks for posting
the free trial hosting sites but they should be an option in the menu.
Thanks Rehan for replying

Then I believe this link should be on the menu as an option also.
I just wish I kept a better tread regarding MovieMaker. It is a wonderful app
to have and fun to work with. I really believe MS should setup a FREE
'trusted' site for its' Validated Customers. Maybe 500MB is too much but MS
should do something for their customers.
When MS approve of a service by listing them from their application menu
they apply certain conditions on them to ensure quality of service etc. This
requires a hell of anoverhead in terms of admin costs and similar things...
A free service provider wont be able to withstand such demands.

Furhtermore Movie Maker is a freebie product from MS used for giving
incentive to XP. They do not make money from it. Hence the support is
Hi Rehan

I been involved with server and other MS Beta programs since the release of
XP 'Gold". I am wondering if Richardson is still PM for XP. I understand that
MS does want "quality service providers" but I also understand that MS is not
"poor". Who do you think is the 'richest man" in the World and also has a
Corporation that can afford to support its' customers? It sure isn't you or
me! I do not know about you but I and alot of people I know are tired of
having "HOOKS" thrown at us!! I am here to tell you that if MS keeps this knd
of relationship up with it's customers, people will leave. An example would
be XP"N" meaning that Europe fought against MS Windows Media Player and WON!
They got rich by making good business decisions...

I dont understand your argument: where exactly is the "hook" in listing a
service provider in Movie makers list of services?

Most hosting service providers come and go. They change their terms and
change services. MS cannot always keep track of these things hence it chose
stable and assured service providers. If you dont like those then dont use
The easiest thing to keep you happy would be to stop listing serivce
providers wouldn't it? The service provider is external, nothing to do with
MS, it's an added bonus? What if they added 10 more, you'd still want
another one added, because you prefered it?????????
If you want the added service you pay for it, if you don't want to pay you
don't use it? Perfect business sense?????

Graham Hughes
MVP Digital Media
For what purpose? There are plenty of free video hosting services out there
and if you have your own website and FTP software you can do this yourself.
Why would you expect Microsoft to set aside harddrive space for each of it's
billions of customers that own Windows XP?
I was just searching this thread to find a solution to this problem. I think
there needs to be an option so add your own video hosting provider. I am not
that compatant on the computer to easily download to my own provider and I
don't want to pay the rediculous price for the "two" choices they have
listed. There should be a way they can let you add your own.