select a range by cell names; vba

  • Thread starter Thread starter cate
  • Start date Start date


I'm trying to select X rows for a sort. The first and last rows have
a defined name, RSTART and RLAST. They look
like this in the Define Name dialog: ='MySheet'!$15:$15 ....

How do you select the rows using these names. Here's the macro output
of my best shot. I can't figure out how to incorporate the second
name. Thank you.

Sub trythis()

Application.Goto Reference:="RSTART"
Rows("15:59").Select '<---- Held down shift key and selected
RLAST in cell address combo
Range("I15").Activate ' what is this?
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B15"), Order1:=xlDescending,
Header:=xlGuess _
, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False,
Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _

End Sub
Most things that you do in excel don't need to have the objects (like ranges or
worksheets) selected first.

You could use code like:

Option Explicit
Sub trythis()

Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim myRng As Range

Set wks = ActiveSheet

With wks
'I like this first line--I find it more self-documenting
Set myRng = .Range(.Range("RStart"), .Range("RLast"))
'but you could use either of these, too.
'Set myRng = .Range("Rstart", "rlast")
'Set myRng = .Range("Rstart:Rlast")
End With

With myRng
.Sort Key1:=.Columns(2), Order1:=xlDescending, _
Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, _
MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End With

End Sub
Most things that you do in excel don't need to have the objects (like ranges or
worksheets) selected first.

You could use code like:

Option Explicit
Sub trythis()

    Dim wks As Worksheet
    Dim myRng As Range

    Set wks = ActiveSheet

    With wks
        'I like this first line--I find it more self-documenting
        Set myRng = .Range(.Range("RStart"), .Range("RLast"))
        'but you could use either of these, too.
        'Set myRng = .Range("Rstart", "rlast")
        'Set myRng = .Range("Rstart:Rlast")
    End With

    With myRng
        .Sort Key1:=.Columns(2), Order1:=xlDescending, _
            Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, _
            MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom,_
    End With

End Sub

Thank you. I always have problems with ranges. Sometimes I have
numbers, sometimes letters and, this time, names. Ahhhh.
Thanks again.
Sub sortnamedrange()
'NOT needed unless a different sheet
'Application.Goto Reference:="RSTART"

mc = 2 ' col B
fr = Range("rstart").Row
lr = Range("rlast").Row
Range(Cells(fr, mc), Cells(lr, mc)) _
.Sort Key1:=Cells(fr, mc), Order1:=xlDescending, _
Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, _
End Sub