Segway in the wild


Feb 23, 2002
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I don't know if any of you have seen a Segway before, but I remember the big fuss that was made during the launch a few years ago.

I can't remember seeing one before until yesterday. I've had my dad and sister visiting for a couple of days and we went to the lake district. We had a big walk around the lakes and hills, but on the drive back (bearing in mind these are tiny little windy roads) we saw a segway driving along!!!

I've got no idea how the guy got there as we were a couple of miles from the nearest town - so I presume he came from there? A bit daft riding one of those things along a road like that if you ask me :rolleyes:

Has anyone had a go on one of these things before?
Never seen one.

I have to ask myself - what's the point?

Better to walk :)

But what do I know? Cos I haven't tried one.

I do think they look daft though ;)

Historian: Click on the link 'Segway' in the first line of Ian's original post to read about them.
They have caused quite a stir in some circles - to the extent of being described as " ..a national threat at least as grave as Iraq" in a "San Francisco News" article written back in 2002. :D
Yes I do remember now, seeing the picture, I have seen one but only on T.V. I think it must have been a science program. I thought then that it looked awkward to use----are they?