| "Franklin"
| Message | Is there a simple utility which will allow me to point to a file and the
| utility will give me the file's apth and file name in one string.
| For example: If I used this utility and I pointed to "shell32.dll" in the
| System32 folder then the utility would return to me the following (ideally
| on the clipboard):
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
| Does such a thing exist?
If the Command Interpreter (cmd.exe) popping up, then Notepad popping up
with the following...
Volume in drive C is C_WINXP
Volume Serial Number is 1C53-E763
Directory of C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
.... and then both closing when you Exit Notepad, is adequte, then...
The following *.bat file may suit your needs. Note that the following batch
commands are modified from a newsgroup post I picked up in one of the
microsoft.public... scripting groups (longlong ago). And given that I am
any but a command prompt expert, I am certain that there is a cleaner way to
write it. (Any Command Prompt Experts are welcome to clean it up).
To use the batch file run Notepad, copy the following five lines and paste
them into Notepad. Save the file with an extension of .bat. Then, put a
shortcut to the .bat file in the your %USERPROFILE%\SendTo folder.
@echo off
dir %1\%2 /a /o:gn > "%temp%\Listing"
start /w notepad "%temp%\Listing"
del "%temp%\Listing"
When you want a "file's apth and file name in one string" right-click it,
select Send To, and then click your batch file.
You can find peer-to-peer support for Scripting technologies in
the Windows Server Scripting newsgroup. The following page has
links you can click to access the newsgroup with your Web
browser, or with a Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)-based
newsreader such as Outlook Express.
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Management Technologies Newsgroups
Windows Server Scripting
TRIMMED: alt.comp.freeware