One implementation of what I am thinking about (old Norton Commander for
DOS) allowed you to put in letters like W and it showed all the folders
starting with W and then if you made that into FI it showed all the folders
beginning with WI, etc.
In addition to Ava Find, try:
Try Locate:
"works like updatedb and locate in UNIX systems
QuickStart by Digiarch
Use options to set scope (folders indexed) and type / frequency of
Also try AlphaCuts by CocoHolo.
This shows folders and executes/opens a file rather than opening a
directory, so it is not a direct answer, but it may serve your ultimate
purpose. Note, a shortcut to a folder is a file, so that will open a folder
directly. Set Documents in Options to whatever folder root you want.
Options is (only!) located in system menu via right clicking icon in upper
left (alt+spacebar, etc., do not work.).
The top row will limit display to files and folders starting with that
character. I usually use the search box, which is equivalent to
autoreducing "*typedchars*". Folders are listed above on right; files on
AlphaCuts is more sophisticated than it looks. The search box, folder list,
and program list interact in a useful but not immediately obvious (to me)
way. For example click Documents, search "rtf" (type slowly). Note that
file names are searched, not folder names.
(The rather prominent ad is for the author and fixed.)
Also look at TypeAndRun, depending upon exactly what you want.
Perhaps Tray Command Line (TrayCL) with autocomplete on.
AppPathZ for maintaining shortcuts for Run
Finally, visit PricelesswareHome ACF file utilities page.