Thank you for your responses! Below is the description of the DB.
ClubID (Primary Key-PK) Autonumber
ClubInfo (address, phone, etc)
ClubLeagueID (Foreign Key-FK) to LeagueTable
LeagueID –PK Autonumber
LeagueDesc (2005 Winter, 2005 Summer, 2005 Fall)
WeekID – PK Autonumber
LeagueID – FK (links to Leagues table)
LeagueWeek (1,2,3…14)
LeagueDate (actual date of shooting)
MemberID – PK Autonumber
MemberInfo (last, first, address, phone, email…)
ClassID – FK (links to Calss table)
TeamID – FK (links to Team table)
LeagueID – FK (links to League table)
TeamID – PK Autonumber
LeagueID – FK (links to LeagueID)
ScoresID – PK Autonumber
MemberID – FK (links to membership table)
LeagueID – FK (links to league table)
ScoresDetailID – PK Autonumber
ScoresID – FK (links to scores table)
LeagueID – FK (links to league table)
TeamID – FK (links to team table)
MemberID – FK (links to membership table)
Slow \
Timed These are the three scores that we need to track for the
Rapid / 14 weeks. From these scores we will calculate 5 other
Fields from these each week.
Now, in theory, the process will be to input the league info, description
and the 14 shooting dates. Then go to the club info screen and this is to be
used as a control set to select which league is the current league. Now
define the teams, and assign them to the current league. Now that we have
the league, the dates, the teams, we enter the shooters and assign them to
the league and to a team. That will be all the background work. If a
shooter only shoots one league per year, then that shooter will be unassigned
from all leagues and all teams but their data will stay in the DB. The same
goes for a team, if that team does not exist for a league, then they will be
The progress / problems that I am having:
1) I have defined a main data entry form that will show the current league
based off of the control record in the club info.
2) I have added sub-forms that then show the current teams for that league
3) I then added sub-forms to display the current shooters for that team, for
that league.
4) The above three items are working fine. I have a problem in that I can
not make the week number (1..14), the shooting date, or the slow, timed,
rapid fields to show up in another sub-form.
5) In the original design I did not break out the scores, I had one record
that had multiple fields slow1, slow2…slow14, timed1, timed2…timed14. I was
able to make that work for me until I had to create reports that needed to
add up all the fields and provide the 5 calculations for each record times
the number of shooters…this just made Access stop responding and hang. Thus
I followed a more proper DB design about breaking things apart and trying to
let it run more efficiently.
Anyone willing to add input is more than welcome!
Thank you in advance!