SEEKING: "Go To Next Folder" function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Wpus
  • Start date Start date


One of my folders has a lot of subfolders in it with lots of data.

I use Windows Explorer to go to one of these subfolders.

The folder tree on the left of Win Exp shows the main folder and then
only the one subfolder I am in. (The subfolder's contents are listed
on the right).

When i have finished on one subfolder, I usually want to go to the
next subfolder.

To do this I have to get the folder tree to show all the subfolders
and usually this takes quite a few seconds to do.

Is there a utility which will let me go DORECTLY to the next
Wpus said:
When i have finished on one subfolder, I usually want to go to the
next subfolder.

You would like a keyboard shortcut to go to the next sibling folder (a
sibling folder is one that is in the same parent as the current folder),
right? Sounds like a good idea. I could add Ctrl+DownArrow/Ctrl+UpArrow for
this task to TrackerV3.

Wpus said:
One of my folders has a lot of subfolders in it with lots of data.

I use Windows Explorer to go to one of these subfolders.

The folder tree on the left of Win Exp shows the main folder and
then only the one subfolder I am in. (The subfolder's contents are
listed on the right).

When i have finished on one subfolder, I usually want to go to the
next subfolder.

To do this I have to get the folder tree to show all the subfolders
and usually this takes quite a few seconds to do.

Is there a utility which will let me go DORECTLY to the next

The down arrow key and/or one of these...

Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise
goes to the first child
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise
goes to the parent


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Wpus said:
The down arrow key and/or one of these...

Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current
selection Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not
expanded, otherwise goes to the first child
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded,
otherwise goes to the parent

The problem is that even if I use the keyboard to navigate to the
next sub-folder, I have to expand the main folder and see all its

When I do that in folder tree (on the left) then it takes Windows a
long time to list the sub-folders. If I do it on the right pane then
I lose focus and have to locate my subfolders again.
Wpus said:
You would like a keyboard shortcut to go to the next sibling
folder (a sibling folder is one that is in the same parent as
the current folder), right? Sounds like a good idea. I could add
Ctrl+DownArrow/Ctrl+UpArrow for this task to TrackerV3.

Donald ... Yes, that would be a very nice feature to see in
TrackerV3. :-)

Please include it!

By the way can TrackerV3 find FOLDERS? That would also be some help
if I had to search from a given folder through all its very many

[ Confusion time - please excuse my wrong posting name "Wpus" at the
beginning of this thread! ]

[ Confusion time - please excuse my wrong posting name "Wpus" at the
beginning of this thread! ]

No complaints over that minor error, as you've cleared it up with the

Franklin, I do have a request to present, about your postings. Could you
please consider changing your habits: stop with the cross-posting here?

The pattern is that it leads to problems for us that far outweigh any
possible advantages.

Rough sum of two basic categories of problems that arise when other groups
are X-posted into acf threads:

First, it opens up the natural consequence of out getting inflicted with
a rash of payware recommendations, since those are not off-topic in the
other groups.

Second, even worse, it often brings in the contamination of foreign flamewars
and trolls.*

* We're fully capable of housing our own trolls and creating our own
flamewars. ACF certainly has no need whatsoever for any "help" in that
department brought in from outside groups.
omega said:
Second, even worse, it often brings in the contamination of foreign flamewars
and trolls.*

Yeah. There was (is?) that stupid ME flame thread recently. I got bored
and kill filed the groups in NFilter based on Xref. Quiet now. :-)

I really ought to k/f all crossposts. Crossposting works OK in loads of
groups; it simply doesn't work very well with this one.
jo said:
Yeah. There was (is?) that stupid ME flame thread recently. I got bored

What a roll of toilet paper that one was. Not just the badly-formatted posts.
But especially the general avoidance of dealing with any specifics. It was
not more than a childish, endless back-forth of "My ME KB is bigger than your
ME KB." (In my read, those MS-MVPs came out looking damn shameful.)
and kill filed the groups in NFilter based on Xref. Quiet now. :-)

Good recommend. If ACF doesn't have the fortune to succeed in keeping
itself reasonably clean of the x-posts, I might end by going for the
NFilter protection.

I have historically been in a couple of groups that were destroyed by
cross-posting. No NFilter back then. News admins, too, didn't step in
back then. And most imporanlty, I believe ACF has enough inherent strength
and momentum to not come to that fate. Nevertheless, my past experience
with witnessing the damage that large tides of x-posting can bring, it
makes me uneasy when I see those waves rise.
I really ought to k/f all crossposts. Crossposting works OK in loads of
groups; it simply doesn't work very well with this one.

I think some of the original usenet Tips Papers /FAQs advised in favor of
cross-posting, as a rule of thumb. Note that some of these were written
when alt was still comparatively young. And too, before the matter of the
culture of the microsoft.* hierarchy became an important consideration.

Yes, agree with you that there are certain groups sets where x-posting works
out and can be the right move. And that with ACF, it's a whole different
ballgame. Except when it's to another freeware group, eg or acf.d..
The down arrow key and/or one of these...

Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection
Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection
Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection.
RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise
goes to the first child
LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise
goes to the parent

You could try my product [which is a full featured explorer
replacement as well as serch-replace tool] to do this by listing the
parent folder and all subfolders

The file list can then be sorted by as many columns as you like.
Press X on the first sort column you want (path)) then add other sort
columns by selecting and pressing Ctrl+X

Therefore it's pretty easy to get a list with all files from all the
subfolders and move down them.

Name is: K-free Find Files and Replace
Download & info from

You can also use it the same way you are using explorer (without
listing all subfolders) and you wouldn't have the delay to expand the
parent folder anyway.

Hope that helps.

David. 1keytools.

Software author. (please edit my email addr. to prove you're not a dumb 'bot)
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One of my folders has a lot of subfolders in it with lots of data.

I use Windows Explorer to go to one of these subfolders.

The folder tree on the left of Win Exp shows the main folder and then
only the one subfolder I am in. (The subfolder's contents are listed
on the right).

When i have finished on one subfolder, I usually want to go to the
next subfolder.

To do this I have to get the folder tree to show all the subfolders
and usually this takes quite a few seconds to do.

Is there a utility which will let me go DORECTLY to the next

yes, the AutoHotKey code i've posted below does this.

you can get AutoHotKey from and then compile this code
yourself (save the code as something.ahk and then right-click and pick
Compile Script).

alternatively, if you want me to send you a compiled version, send mail to
(e-mail address removed) (the address will automatically expire in 7

when you run the script, it defines ctrl-1 as the key.

you must run Windows Explorer with "Display full path in the title bar" and
with the Address bar visible.

Total ergonomy

wingettitle wintitle , A
SetWorkingDir, %wintitle%
SplitPath, wintitle, FileName, MainDir, Extension, NameNoExt,Drive

StringLower, FileName, FileName

counter = 1

; build array of subfolders
loop, %MainDir%\*, 2
aDir = %A_LoopFileName%
StringLower, aDir, aDir
dir%counter% = %aDir%

; find name of next folder
loop %counter%
StringTrimLeft, testdir, dir%A_Index%, 0
ifequal testdir, %FileName%
targetnum = 1
targetnum += %A_Index%
StringTrimLeft, targetdir, dir%targetnum%, 0

;send to adddress bar
send !d{HOME}+{END}
send %MainDir%\%targetdir%{enter}

you can get AutoHotKey from and then compile this code
yourself (save the code as something.ahk and then right-click and pick
Compile Script).

what am a saying! if you install AutoHotKey you can just run the .ahk file,
you don't need to compile. but you can compile if you want to and then you
can run the .exe on any computer.

eleven dimensions ought to be enough for anybody
Franklin, I do have a request to present, about your postings.
Could you please consider changing your habits: stop with the
cross-posting here?

The pattern is that it leads to problems for us that far
outweigh any possible advantages.

Rough sum of two basic categories of problems that arise when
other groups are X-posted into acf threads:

First, it opens up the natural consequence of out getting
inflicted with a rash of payware recommendations, since those
are not off-topic in the other groups.

Second, even worse, it often brings in the contamination of
foreign flamewars and trolls.*

Omega, thanks for raising this. I will do what I can not to
crosspost. I do understand the issues you point out.

Maybe you will permit me on soe occassions to crosspost when I am
seeking some information about using a program rather than requesting
recommendations from programs. In such a case other groups may also
have some valuable input (eg. use of the free AVG virus scanner and

I suspect I personally crosspost quite a bit because I visit a lot of
groups and when I ask something I want to ask in all the (relevant)
groups I visit. I also try to abide by the rules which the Good
Netkeeping Seal of Approval assesses newsgroup software.

However, all that notwithstanding, I take your point.