See the International Space Station tonight


Jan 31, 2005
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Weather permitting...! :lol:

The ISS will be passing over TONIGHT Apparently it'll be quite bright tonight too.

Tonights brightest pass is at 8:54PM (ish - depending on your location) and will be brighter than anything else in the sky.

Put your details into here for more information.

For a trial run at seeing where it'll be download Stellarium
Yeah same, i couldn't see bugger all....

Though i did see it last time it was visible,
Sod's Law always applies.

Whenever there's anything of interest in the sky you can guarantee that it will be cloudy. And it was last night. :(
Missed this thread yesterday but no matter, it was pouring with rain all evening and by the looks of my plants this morning, raining most of the night as well.

Bugger, as they say :(
Yeah its fairly regular, but not always visible.

Go to that link that Mucks and i posted, select your location and click ISS.

Look for a time with a low mag value. -3 for example.

18 Oct	[B]-3.2[/B]	20:05:47	10°	WSW	20:09:09	71°	SSE	20:11:26	19°	E
18 Oct	-1.3	21:42:29	10°	W	21:44:17	29°	W	21:44:17	29°	W
19 Oct	[B]-3.4[/B]	20:53:24	10°	W	20:56:47	87°	N	20:57:06	71°	E
20 Oct	[B]-3.3[/B]	20:04:18	10°	W	20:07:41	90°	S	20:09:54	20°	E

Thats for my location, so for me 20.05 tonight or 20.53 tomorrow or 20.04 on the 20th is best. :)