See pictures on Continuous Form view

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I have working VBA code that displays an embedded jpg thumbnail image in a
form or report. For a Single Form I call the code on the "On Current" event
and the picture changes as I advance from one record to the next. However,
when I change to Continuous Forms, all the pictures on the form change to the
one for the record I am on. How can I make the images display separately for
each record? Somehow I need to trigger the code as the page is being built
rather than from an action by the user.

You can't do this (well, actually, in a2007 you can!). In 2007, you can bind
the image control to a path name that represents a picture. And, it even
works in continues mode (so, what you need to do can actually be done in
a2007 without any code. Apparently, this means Microsoft has been listening
to us...and we been asking for this feature!!!).

In previous versions, of ms-access, you have to use code, and when you set
the value of any control in a continues form, then the control takes on that
value for "all" instances in the continues form. So, a unbound text box, or
un-bound image control in a continues form is not much use...since there is
only "one" instance of the control..but it is repeated. In both of these
cases (image, or text control), the control takes on the "same" value when
you set the one control in code. However, a2007 has a new image
control...and it can be bound to a field expression...

The solution I usually suggest in earlier versions is to use a sub-form on
the left side, and a image control on the right side that changes as the
user navigates (just like you did in the single form).

I have some screen shots of this idea here:

While the above examples only have "data" on the right side...that righ side
well could have been a image dispalyed for the reocrd on the left side....

So, you can either:

a) use the above side by side
b) use a activeX control, like the listview..and use code to load the
c) use access 2007 which supports what you want without any code at all

Thank you! I will make due with a Single Form until I change over to a2007.

Is that how you spell continuous (continues!) in Canada?

Yes David, this continues to be a continuous and contentious issue between
Canada and the US. Kind of like how we spell the word colour.


I'm Just Kidding
Stephen Lebans

"llamadave" <...
Is that how you spell continuous (continues!) in Canada?
