see if dynamic array used

  • Thread starter Thread starter RobcPettit
  • Start date Start date


Im checking 1 file against another (the files contain names). File 1 is up to
date names and file 2 is 5 days behind. Basically both files should be
identical, but occasionally a new name is added to file 1. What Im doing is
comparing files and any names that are in file 1 but not in file 2 are added to
a dynamic array, then listed to a column. No problems here. My problem is if no
new names are added, the array is not used. How do I check if an array is not
If DnExist(1) <> "" Then
Application.Goto Reference:="Dates2" ' pastes list of names not in File 2 into
dates sheet
Range("d8").Resize(UBound(DnExist)) = Application.Transpose(DnExist).
This works if there are new names if not I get Subscript out of range. Ive
tried if array empty as well. Any advice would be appreciated.
Regards Robert
error check the ubound of the array

dim intTemp as integer
dim bolNothing as boolean

bolNothing = false
on error goto OutOfBounds
intTemp = ubound(array)
on error goto 0
if bolnothing = true then
''do what you need to do when nothing in array
'''proced with code if there is stuff in array

'''Your array has nothing
bolNothing = true
resume next

Keith, thankyou for reply. Ill put this to good use. This also shows me a
little bit more about working with arrays.
Regards Robert