Securtiy Centre intergration

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pdwright
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It would be nice to see MSAS intergrated with the xp sp2
security centre, anychance you guys can see this
happerning in the future
I would be surprised if this didn't happen--but I'm sure it isn't as simple
as I would expect--changing the Security Center is an OS change, probably
awaiting a Service Pack....
Not while this is in Beta.
Probably not until the next Service Pack at the earliest, that is my guess.
i agree that they should integrated it with security
center since this is a security tools.
I agree that the security-center is very important, but
it's my opinion that Microsoft thinks otherwise! Why, the
Security-center has no icon on the desktop after
installing. I had to "find" the program itself and to make
a icon. Secondly, I like the fact that you can see on the
taskbar if everything is alright, BUT I would like to see
that the Microsoft Security Center opens automatically
(and-or closes after 1minuut or so?!) so that I can see
that the Firewalls(Yes, two, XP2 AND NIS2005) &
Virussoftware & XPupdate are still "GREEN". Why?
Norton2004 and 2005 CAN and WILL try (often with success)
change the settings, whenever the firewall or virusscanner
has been of line for a short or longer period of time.
Symantec NIS2004/2005 does NOT recommend that TWO systems
alert the user whenever a firewall or virusscanner is off
line. However, I do! But I do NOT like the fact that
Symantec CAN change the Windows Security Settings! Maybe
pasword protection is an option, dear Microsoft ?!
I have created an icon for the security center in my start bar--blanking on
the proper name of the one-click bar that I have down there by start, and I
can't right click and check easily 'cause I'm writing from a Mac via Remote

I did this mostly so that I could easily give keystroke references when
answering newsgroup posts.

If one of the items is non-green, I believe you will automatically see the
security center in the notification area--so they already have that covered.