SecuROM = rootkit?

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Installed the new Sims2 Bon Voyage game. Had problems with Nero software, USB
Sandisk's not being read.............found the game came with SecuROM
(previously used SafeDisk, dunno why they changed) and now getting conficting
information regarding SecuROM.
IS it in fact, a rootkit? Is it safe to leave on the computer? I uninstalled
all the Sims games that included it but now finding registry keys under
HKEY_USERS in a folder labeled SecuROM with a key that says "DO NOT DELETE
OR ALTER KEYS" *gasp* Why would this still be on my computer if I uninstalled
that game? I have no other games on this computer at all.
Please help.
Tessiero said:
Installed the new Sims2 Bon Voyage game. Had problems with Nero software,
Sandisk's not being read.............found the game came with SecuROM
(previously used SafeDisk, dunno why they changed) and now getting
information regarding SecuROM.
IS it in fact, a rootkit? Is it safe to leave on the computer?

No, it's not really a rootkit, and I have seen no convincing evidence that
it does any harm to your computer (it's not Starforce).

It is just another piece of third party DRM software that has been installed
on your computer - probably without your knowledge or your consent, and
(depending on which country you live in) possibly illegally.

But even so, I wouldn't worry about it.
Why is it behaving like a rootkit? Disabling drives, killing software
programs that are legit and most unbelievable to me, NOT ALLOWING ME TO PLAY
A LEGALLY PURCHASED GAME!!!! I bought this game!!! I paid for it!!! and it
keeps telling me my CD version is not "the correct version" I'm beside
mysef......then to find out that SecuROM can't be removed? (there are root
keys inside my HKEY_USERS registry files that can't be removed) This is a
brand new Dell w/Vista. I'm freaking out.
I need to know if this is harmful in anyway to Vista.
Thanks for your help,
Tessiero said:
Why is it behaving like a rootkit? Disabling drives, killing software
programs that are legit and most unbelievable to me, NOT ALLOWING ME TO
A LEGALLY PURCHASED GAME!!!! I bought this game!!! I paid for it!!! and it
keeps telling me my CD version is not "the correct version" I'm beside
mysef......then to find out that SecuROM can't be removed? (there are root
keys inside my HKEY_USERS registry files that can't be removed) This is a
brand new Dell w/Vista. I'm freaking out.
I need to know if this is harmful in anyway to Vista.
Thanks for your help,

As I understand it, SecuROM won't run any software that it's supposed to be
protecting if there is anything else running which it's designers thought
*may* be used for hacking. It also doesn't allow anything to run which
might allow you to see what it's doing (Process Explorer being the the most
often quoted example). Maybe try rebooting your machine and closing any
services associated with Nero etc? Failing that I suggest the tech support
site for The Sims.

SecuROM will provide an uninstall tool if you demand one loudly enough, but
this still won't remove the dodgy registry keys. I haven't used it because
I still play the game occasionally (and can't be bothered to search for a

My Vista system got it's SecuROM infection from F.E.A.R., but other than
managing to piss me off enormously by it's presence, it doesn't seem to have
done any harm. It's a bit of a pain to have to reboot if I've had Process
Explorer running though.

Don't misunderstand me, I'm not defending SecuROM - in fact I think anyone
who decides to use this kind of 'rootkit-like' software on a legitimate
buyer's PC should be smashed repeatedly in the face with a brick.

Sorry I can't be more help.
You've been an enourmous help! I've tried with EA games but they're locking
threads, banning people and basically trying to sweep the whole thing under
the rug. I would never allow SONY to have access to my computer (not after
the whole FTC settlement re/Sony BMG where they installed stuff without
consent or knowledge) You'd think they'd learn.
Sounds like this might be on alot of games..........I hate Sony. (BMG, DACD
whatever) All of 'em. I did find a removal method online so it's all gone
now. *keeping fingers crossed that my Vista machine is okay*
Tessiero said:
Why is it behaving like a rootkit? Disabling drives, killing software
programs that are legit and most unbelievable to me, NOT ALLOWING ME TO
A LEGALLY PURCHASED GAME!!!! I bought this game!!! I paid for it!!! and it
keeps telling me my CD version is not "the correct version" I'm beside
mysef......then to find out that SecuROM can't be removed? (there are root
keys inside my HKEY_USERS registry files that can't be removed) This is a
brand new Dell w/Vista. I'm freaking out.
I need to know if this is harmful in anyway to Vista.
Thanks for your help,

No it's not. It's just a more advanced form of Safedisc. I called my buddy
at EA who works in compliance and basically just echoed what you hear here
every day, Vista just has some issues, that you can smooth out, but there's
nothing bad about SecuRom. Game companies have started using it more because
the licensing fee is cheaper, the program has more security options, and for
the most part it's more compatible with more hardware.

Problem is not with you paying for a game, it's the other 3 guys who don't
pay for the game that EA is more worried about.

Also yelling (even in silent caps) usually won't get the problem resolved. I
find calm fustration to be the best course of action. EA has a support line
that's usually open mon/fri during normal business hours, you can usually
call and get free support for your game.

Securom doesn't install anything into your computer, it's all contained
within the game executables, all those registry keys are not going to
destroy your computer. I suspect whatever problems you are having is due to
some other application or a problem with Vista itself.

I'm sure this isn't helping or making you any happier, so I'll just
reitterate, contact EA support, they are nice people, and are there to help
you. Don't bother emailing, just call them. If you can't find the support
number at try the back of your game manual, they
usually put phone numbers to support there.

Good luck,
Tessiero said:
You've been an enourmous help! I've tried with EA games but they're
threads, banning people and basically trying to sweep the whole thing
the rug. I would never allow SONY to have access to my computer (not after
the whole FTC settlement re/Sony BMG where they installed stuff without
consent or knowledge) You'd think they'd learn.
Sounds like this might be on alot of games..........I hate Sony. (BMG,
whatever) All of 'em. I did find a removal method online so it's all gone
now. *keeping fingers crossed that my Vista machine is okay*

I should add in hind-sight, I think some game makers are finally starting to
wise up. Oblivion never came with CD protection, though you had to keep the
CD inserted to play (even though it never reads off the CD during play), so
game developers are wising up, the problem is big publishers are publically
held companies and copy protection is, and has always been one way to prove
to the money holders that they are trying to combat a real problem.

Bittorrent isn't helping, but what can you do. Buy the good games, return
the ones that piss you off.

I don't think your Vista will be messed up, Your dell comes with a restore
CD anyways, if your system is really messed up, backup your files to a thumb
drive and do a restore.

No worries, as I posted above.....I already removed it via another forum. And
didn't get any anwers from SecuROM (EA seems to be completely lost, like they
aren't even aware of what SecuROM is - way over their heads dealing with the
issue) Plus I've already filed a complaint with the FTC about Sony DACD
installing this without my consent or knowledge. (dunno what good that will
do) So far, computer seems to be working okay again. CD/DVD drives are fine,
everything has settled back to the way it was before.
hey guys bill gates is only human (MAYBE!!!!!)

Tessiero said:
No worries, as I posted above.....I already removed it via another forum. And
didn't get any anwers from SecuROM (EA seems to be completely lost, like they
aren't even aware of what SecuROM is - way over their heads dealing with the
issue) Plus I've already filed a complaint with the FTC about Sony DACD
installing this without my consent or knowledge. (dunno what good that will
do) So far, computer seems to be working okay again. CD/DVD drives are fine,
everything has settled back to the way it was before.
At the moment I have been banned from the EA website because I am urging
everyone to boycot ea games "if we don't buy them then they can@t sell them"

I am very hurt about this matter, some of us work hard to save for our
systems. Sony and EA are disgusting and immoral not that they got any morals
in the first place. So please guys help get rid of securom boyvot and
complain like hell they will listen one day (MAYBE)
I have one thing to say to you tessiero. How much you getting paid for
licking Ea backside then
listen people securom WILL kill your system if you beleive all the rubbish
about it not being harmful then poor poor sad you it will kill vista it
CANNOT be removed its evil and ILLEGAL. if this offends well tough titty,
I'm past being nice. some of you out there may have a few spare grand every
month or so to go buy new systems well bully for you some of us havent

They used to pay me 60k/yr, now I do it for nothing.


I have support contacts at EA and the SecuROM guys, if you have questions I
can pass them along. Might get a more "loving" answer.
