I have a DLL that has events that applications can register with. When those
delegates fire, my DLL is in the permission call stack. In this case here is
where I get confused.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestMinimum- then that permission can be used by
delegates my event calls.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestOptional - then that permission may be used
by delegates my event calls.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestRefuse - then that permission can NOT be used
by delegates my event calls.
But what about a permission that my DLL does not need - but I want to allow
in the delegates. Is there any way to set that? It seems that would be useful
It also seems that not listing a specific permission is the same as saying
I have a DLL that has events that applications can register with. When those
delegates fire, my DLL is in the permission call stack. In this case here is
where I get confused.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestMinimum- then that permission can be used by
delegates my event calls.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestOptional - then that permission may be used
by delegates my event calls.
If I use SecurityAction.RequestRefuse - then that permission can NOT be used
by delegates my event calls.
But what about a permission that my DLL does not need - but I want to allow
in the delegates. Is there any way to set that? It seems that would be useful
It also seems that not listing a specific permission is the same as saying