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wow - m$ is trying to get more secure by giving consumers
products to protect its swiss cheese operating system -
will wonders never cease? the only reason we need AV,
personal firewalls, anti-spyware scanners, and patch
management strategies, is due to how easily exploitable
windows really is. why don't they focus on securing their
code rather than trying to protect it?! would you really
trust a m$ security product?
"the only reason we need AV, personal firewalls, anti-spyware scanners, and
patch management strategies"
You should look at other operating systems before you post.
The problems you mention are not unique to Microsoft products.
ALL operating systems need similar procedures if security is important.
i just knew that that would be the response from a m$
lover! granted, other oses do need similar precautionary
measures, but remember, most unix flavours have thousands
of packages, thousands of beta testers, and thousands of
developers actively looking at the code base. the
vulnerabilities are not as trivial to exploit as windows
bugs - the gdi+ jpeg vulnerability for instance. ie has to
be one of the worst products ever developed and so
potentially, every product that uses IE libraries is
vulnerable as well. try installing spyware through firefox
on a linux distro. (or even firefox on windows). try
hijacking opera. patch management for a non-windows
environment is different in that you can customise your
initial installation to your requirement - you may not need
to install every updated package that comes along, and not
all of them are critical. oh, and you're not running around
patching a 6 month old vulnerability, that has already been
exploited by a couple of viruses. a corporate IT
environment is significantly different to a home user -
either through sheer scale, logistics or cost.
This statement shows much of your self:
"i just knew that that would be the response from a m$ lover!"
Perhaps if you did not feel the need to start with an insult to bolster your
point it could bediscoveredif you had anything of value to say.
But when it startswithan insult, that is an indication of similar
misinformation to follow and renders the entire postnot worth the time.

Why not go back and read the OPs post this time.
Start with "the only reason..."
That statement suggests other OSs have no need for those tools.
It is noted that you felt the need to insult in order to change the point of
the missed.