Security updates



One of my PC has a security updates from Microsoft website. It was a 3
packages security updates. But after I have done with the security updates &
reboot my PC. It requires me to type in a password to log into my Windows. I
have not set any password before, so I could not log in to my Window XP now.
What should I do now?

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Leave the password blank
Then if you do not want to enter a password:
Type "control userpasswords2" ENTER
Uncheck "Users must enter..."
Click OK and follow prompts.


Dear Jupiter,

Thanks for your prompt reply. Sorry, I do not quite understand your
instruction. In the log-in page of my WinXP, a password is required. If I
leave it blank, I will not able to log in, that's the problem. Before the
reboot of the security updates of my PC, I didn't need a password to go. But
why after reboot (after the recent recurity update), I need that?

If I do not able to go into WinXp, I will not able to click on the Start/Run
button. So I need a password to bypass the log-in screen, before I can have
the Start/Run function.

Hope to hear from you again. Thanks for that.



Dear Jupiter,

Thanks for the prompt reply again. You are efficient!

But I still do not able to log in to my WinXP, although I have tried out all
options that listed in the link that you gave me.

See, before my installation of the security updates, there was no pass
required to go into windows. Also, I am the administrator of the PC & I do
not use any password before.

I have also change to reboot in Safe Mode & log in as admin, still no use.

Is there any other way out?

Thanks for your help.


Jupiter Jones [MVP]

If the others do not succeed, one of the steps 9 - 12 WILL work from that
link I posted.

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