security updates



I have a Dell Dimension 8200 P4 2.53 GHz 512M with 80 Gig
WD 100 ATA that I am going to replace with a 120 Gig
Seagate Baracuda.

The sys. came with Windows XP Home reinstallation disk, I
have the SP2 disk from MS. What I would like to do is
download and slipstream the current security updates to
the reinstall disk, so that I can do as clean an install
as possible and just get the XP operating system with the
latest updates on the new hard drive before I load the
other programs or go online. Is this possible? and if it
is, where can I get detailed instructions on the
slipstreaming process. (Know some of the talk, now I am
trying to learn the Walk)



Thanks, that looks like it will do the job. One
additional question, is there a site to download all
security updates and not have them automatically load to
the OS, so that I can add them to the "stream" also?

Dick Kistler


Thanks, that looks like it will do the job. One
additional question, is there a site to download all
security updates and not have them automatically load to
the OS, so that I can add them to the "stream" also?

With SP2, you have all the "security updates."

The only updates that are post-SP2 are updates
to .NET 1.1 and 1.0. I am not sure that you can
slipstream them.

Also there is an update of Windows Media
Player to version 10, but that could hardly be
called a security update.

Dick Kistler

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