Security Updates will not install in Widows XP pro update

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Security updates seem to download but when finished downloading (0) files are
indicated and non installed. The same is true at shut down. This problem is
going on for 2 month now.

Anyone has an answer?


Hey Im having the same problem and cant find the solution no where its
driving me crazzzzy. This too has been going on since july 07. I need help
also!!! Someone please help us!!!!
Go to Start > Run > type in


Click OK or press Enter
Copy and paste the last 50 or so lines into your reply, Horst.

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten
I am having the same problem.
Below is the information for which you asked...

thank you!

2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Initiating manual install
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Approved updates = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install
updates / installing updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Title = Security Update
for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366)
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * UpdateId = {18250E7C-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent *
2007-08-09 22:27:02:515 1328 a30 Handler Attempting to create remote
handler process as HOME\j in session 0
2007-08-09 22:27:02:765 1328 a30 DnldMgr Preparing update for install,
updateId = {0F0319A6-98A4-4D1C-8864-809E9E7BA483}.101.
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: -0400) ===========
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :: START :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler : Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Command line
install completed. Return code = 0x0000064c, Result = Failed, Reboot
required = false
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Exit code =
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :: END :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Installing
update [UpdateId = {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install failed, error
= 0x80070643 / 0x0000064C
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install call completed.
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install call
completed, reboot required = No, error = 0x00000000
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #########
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU ## END ## AU: Installing
updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-E19B988F1A6A}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #############
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install complete for all calls,
reboot NOT needed
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Setting AU scheduled install time
to 2007-08-10 07:00:00
2007-08-09 22:27:28:390 1328 cc8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{C39AB4A1-598D-458D-986B-F1865EAA1024} 2007-08-09 22:27:23:390-0400 1
182 101 {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73} 101 80070643
AutomaticUpdates Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows
failed to install the following update with error 0x80070643: Security
Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1
80070643 - Try the Resolution given here:

When you try to install an update for the .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, or
2.0, you may receive Windows Update error code "0x643" or Windows
Installer error code "1603"

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

Jay said:
I am having the same problem.
Below is the information for which you asked...

thank you!

2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Initiating manual install
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Approved updates = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install
updates / installing updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Title = Security Update
for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366)
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * UpdateId = {18250E7C-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent *
2007-08-09 22:27:02:515 1328 a30 Handler Attempting to create remote
handler process as HOME\j in session 0
2007-08-09 22:27:02:765 1328 a30 DnldMgr Preparing update for install,
updateId = {0F0319A6-98A4-4D1C-8864-809E9E7BA483}.101.
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: -0400) ===========
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :: START :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler : Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Command line
install completed. Return code = 0x0000064c, Result = Failed, Reboot
required = false
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Exit code =
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :: END :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Installing
update [UpdateId = {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install failed, error
= 0x80070643 / 0x0000064C
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install call completed.
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install call
completed, reboot required = No, error = 0x00000000
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #########
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU ## END ## AU: Installing
updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-E19B988F1A6A}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #############
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install complete for all calls,
reboot NOT needed
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Setting AU scheduled install time
to 2007-08-10 07:00:00
2007-08-09 22:27:28:390 1328 cc8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{C39AB4A1-598D-458D-986B-F1865EAA1024} 2007-08-09 22:27:23:390-0400 1
182 101 {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73} 101 80070643
AutomaticUpdates Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows
failed to install the following update with error 0x80070643: Security
Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1
i have a similar problem with installing updated on my xp pro sp2 machine.
There was a problem on my machine and i reinstalled xp ( i think i did so
from other licenced copy of xp prof sp2 and not the original one which was
intalled originally on the laptop)

the last 50 lines is as below ? any clues what is going wrong ?
007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent * Added update
{C8858D1E-1652-4224-8B3D-CDD51426C5AB}.100 to search result
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent * Added update
{452045A6-224A-428B-A0E8-18C8B9FB2BD4}.100 to search result
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent * Added update
{FE3DE774-380F-498C-A558-06C34AEFDA29}.100 to search result
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent * Found 103 updates and 32
categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 784 out of 1178 deployed
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:04:46:851 1772 238 Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:04:46:861 1772 238 Report REPORT EVENT:
{0B68451C-C274-4321-B4B1-C90348696A9A} 2007-10-06
16:04:40:172+0530 1 147 101 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 MicrosoftUpdate Success Software
Synchronization Windows Update Client successfully detected 0 updates.
2007-10-06 16:04:46:871 5288 1614 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:04:46:952 5288 1614 COMAPI - Updates found = 103
2007-10-06 16:04:46:952 5288 1614 COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:04:46:952 5288 1614 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:04:46:952 5288 1614 COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI - Forced: No; Download priority: 3
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2007-10-06 16:05:50:773 5288 150c COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 5288 150c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr *************
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr ** START ** DnldMgr: Downloading
updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr *********
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr * Call ID =
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr * Priority = 3, Interactive = 1,
Owner is system = 0, Explicit proxy = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId =
2007-10-06 16:05:50:803 1772 238 DnldMgr * Updates to download = 1
2007-10-06 16:05:50:823 1772 238 Agent * Title = Definition Update for
Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.22.2952.3)
2007-10-06 16:05:50:823 1772 238 Agent * UpdateId =
2007-10-06 16:05:50:823 1772 238 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-10-06 16:05:50:823 1772 238 Agent *
2007-10-06 16:05:50:823 1772 238 DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {47567D47-03EB-43A0-825F-572FC3375E71}.100] ***********
2007-10-06 16:05:50:923 1772 238 DnldMgr * BITS job initialized, JobId =
2007-10-06 16:05:50:923 1772 238 DnldMgr BITS job
{A96C43AE-CE19-4B66-8319-7176A0CF9835} using proxy =
bypass = <NULL>
2007-10-06 16:05:51:034 1772 238 DnldMgr * Downloading from
C:\WINDOWS\SoftwareDistribution\Download\7f751f7d027f95f23588fa31872aad86\9072fbfac194e998949002df52ea739373d54895 (full file).
2007-10-06 16:05:51:154 1772 238 Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:05:51:154 1772 238 Agent ** END ** Agent: Downloading
updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:05:51:164 1772 238 Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:07:18:850 1772 12dc DnldMgr BITS job
{A96C43AE-CE19-4B66-8319-7176A0CF9835} completed successfully
2007-10-06 16:07:18:940 1772 12dc Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:07:18:980 1772 12dc Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:07:18:990 1772 12dc DnldMgr Download job bytes total =
4385344, bytes transferred = 4385344
2007-10-06 16:07:18:990 1772 12dc DnldMgr *********** DnldMgr: New download
job [UpdateId = {47567D47-03EB-43A0-825F-572FC3375E71}.100] ***********
2007-10-06 16:07:19:030 1772 12dc DnldMgr * All files for update were
already downloaded and are valid.
2007-10-06 16:07:19:040 5288 1614 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:19:040 5288 1614 COMAPI - Download call complete
(succeeded = 1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2007-10-06 16:07:19:040 5288 1614 COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:07:19:040 5288 1614 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Download
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:19:040 5288 1614 COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI - Allow source prompts: Yes;
Forced: No; Force quiet: No
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI - Updates in request: 1
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI - ServiceID =
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 1772 17dc Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 1772 17dc Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 1772 17dc Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 1772 17dc Agent * Updates to install = 1
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI - Updates to install = 1
2007-10-06 16:07:19:541 5288 150c COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:19:551 1772 17dc Agent * Title = Definition Update for
Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.22.2952.3)
2007-10-06 16:07:19:551 1772 17dc Agent * UpdateId =
2007-10-06 16:07:19:551 1772 17dc Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-10-06 16:07:19:551 1772 17dc Agent *
2007-10-06 16:07:24:037 1772 238 Report REPORT EVENT:
{B87BF03F-B888-41B1-884E-07926259F042} 2007-10-06
16:07:19:030+0530 1 162 101 {FE3DE774-380F-498C-A558-06C34AEFDA29} 100 0 MicrosoftUpdate Success Content Download Download succeeded.
2007-10-06 16:07:36:255 1772 17dc Handler Attempting to create remote
handler process as SURAJ8\ashish in session 0
2007-10-06 16:07:37:927 5588 170 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: +0530) ===========
2007-10-06 16:07:37:927 5588 170 Misc = Process:
2007-10-06 16:07:37:927 5588 170 AUClnt FATAL: Error: 0x80004002. wuauclt
handler: failed to spawn COM server
2007-10-06 16:07:37:937 1772 17dc Handler FATAL: 0x80004002: ERROR: Remote
update handler container process created (PID: 5588), but exited before
signaling event
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 1772 17dc Agent * WARNING: Exit code = 0x80004002
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 1772 17dc Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 1772 17dc Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 1772 17dc Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI - Install call failed
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI - Reboot required = No
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI - WARNING: Exit code =
0x80240FFF; Call error code = 0x80004002
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Install
[ClientId = MicrosoftUpdate]
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 5288 15e4 COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:07:40:010 1772 17dc Agent WARNING: WU client failed installing
updates with error 0x80004002
2007-10-06 16:07:40:771 5288 150c COMAPI WARNING: Operation failed due to
earlier error, hr=80004002
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.381, tz: +0530) ===========
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 Misc = Process: C:\Program Files\Windows
Live Toolbar\MSNTBUP.EXE
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 Misc = Module:
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 COMAPI -- START -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent ** START ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent * Online = Yes; Ignore download
priority = No
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent * Criteria = "Type='Software' and
IsInstalled=0 and CategoryIds contains 'e6cf1350-c01b-414d-a61f-263d14d133b4'
and CategoryIds contains '5ea45628-0257-499b-9c23-a6988fc5ea85'"
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 1772 238 Agent * ServiceID =
2007-10-06 16:18:01:534 3532 584 COMAPI <<-- SUBMITTED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:01:564 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:01:564 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:04:158 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:04:168 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:04:198 1772 238 Agent Checking for updated auth cab for
service 7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d at
2007-10-06 16:18:04:198 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:04:208 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:07:392 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:07:403 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:09:716 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:09:716 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:09:776 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:09:786 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:09:816 1772 238 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing server
updates +++++++++++
2007-10-06 16:18:09:816 1772 238 PT + ServiceId =
{7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING: SyncUpdates failure, error =
0x8024400D, soap client error = 7, soap error code = 300, HTTP status code =
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING: SOAP Fault: 0x00012c
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING: faultstring:Fault occurred
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING: ErrorCode:ConfigChanged(2)
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING: Message:(null)
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING:
2007-10-06 16:18:41:762 1772 238 PT WARNING:
2007-10-06 16:18:45:117 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:45:117 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:45:167 1772 238 Misc Validating signature for
2007-10-06 16:18:45:177 1772 238 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2007-10-06 16:18:45:217 1772 238 PT +++++++++++ PT: Synchronizing extended
update info +++++++++++
2007-10-06 16:18:45:217 1772 238 PT + ServiceId =
{7971F918-A847-4430-9279-4A52D1EFE18D}, Server URL =
2007-10-06 16:18:47:710 1772 238 Agent * Found 0 updates and 32 categories
in search; evaluated appl. rules of 784 out of 1178 deployed entities
2007-10-06 16:18:47:751 1772 238 Agent *********
2007-10-06 16:18:47:751 1772 238 Agent ** END ** Agent: Finding updates
[CallerId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:47:751 1772 238 Agent *************
2007-10-06 16:18:47:771 3532 8a8 COMAPI >>-- RESUMED -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:47:771 3532 8a8 COMAPI - Updates found = 0
2007-10-06 16:18:47:771 3532 8a8 COMAPI ---------
2007-10-06 16:18:47:771 3532 8a8 COMAPI -- END -- COMAPI: Search
[ClientId = Windows Live Toolbar]
2007-10-06 16:18:47:771 3532 8a8 COMAPI -------------
2007-10-06 16:18:52:758 1772 238 Report REPORT EVENT:
{C405AFB8-1DFA-4376-8A4D-33F9950F9692} 2007-10-06 16:18:47:751+0

MowGreen said:
80070643 - Try the Resolution given here:

When you try to install an update for the .NET Framework 1.0, 1.1, or
2.0, you may receive Windows Update error code "0x643" or Windows
Installer error code "1603"

MowGreen [MVP 2003-2007]
*-343-* FDNY
Never Forgotten

Jay said:
I am having the same problem.
Below is the information for which you asked...

thank you!

2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Initiating manual install
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU # Approved updates = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 634 AU <<## SUBMITTED ## AU: Install
updates / installing updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent ** START ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:26:40:250 1328 a30 Agent * Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Title = Security Update
for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366)
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * UpdateId = {18250E7C-
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent * Bundles 1 updates:
2007-08-09 22:26:40:343 1328 a30 Agent *
2007-08-09 22:27:02:515 1328 a30 Handler Attempting to create remote
handler process as HOME\j in session 0
2007-08-09 22:27:02:765 1328 a30 DnldMgr Preparing update for install,
updateId = {0F0319A6-98A4-4D1C-8864-809E9E7BA483}.101.
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc =========== Logging initialized
(build: 7.0.6000.374, tz: -0400) ===========
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Process: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Misc = Module: C:\WINDOWS
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :: START :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:02:828 996 17c Handler : Updates to install = 1
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Command line
install completed. Return code = 0x0000064c, Result = Failed, Reboot
required = false
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler : WARNING: Exit code =
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :: END :: Handler: Command
Line Install
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU >>## RESUMED ## AU: Installing
update [UpdateId = {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:359 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install failed, error
= 0x80070643 / 0x0000064C
2007-08-09 22:27:23:343 996 17c Handler :::::::::::::
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install call completed.
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *********
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU # WARNING: Install call
completed, reboot required = No, error = 0x00000000
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent ** END ** Agent: Installing
updates [CallerId = AutomaticUpdates]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #########
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 a30 Agent *************
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU ## END ## AU: Installing
updates [CallId = {AE969F26-2AD0-445D-AD2F-E19B988F1A6A}]
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU #############
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Install complete for all calls,
reboot NOT needed
2007-08-09 22:27:23:453 1328 c9c AU Setting AU scheduled install time
to 2007-08-10 07:00:00
2007-08-09 22:27:28:390 1328 cc8 Report REPORT EVENT:
{C39AB4A1-598D-458D-986B-F1865EAA1024} 2007-08-09 22:27:23:390-0400 1
182 101 {18250E7C-B36E-4162-838D-1C4B408D8B73} 101 80070643
AutomaticUpdates Failure Content Install Installation Failure: Windows
failed to install the following update with error 0x80070643: Security
Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1