Security tab missing

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kathryn
  • Start date Start date


My security tab is missing when i righclick a folder, go
to properties and share the folder. I only have the
General and Sharing Tabs. I am running 2000 Pro SP4. I
looked on the knowledgebase but they did not having
anything specific for me to do. Anyone else come across
this and fix it?


Maybe the folder or file you're looking at is located on
a FAT32 partition. Only NTFS partitions have security
Your disk is probably formatted with FAT32. Security (i.e. file and folder
security) is only available with NTFS.

To check how your disk is formatted, open Windows Explorer and right-click
your disk, chose Properties. Look at the File System.

To convert from FAT32 to NTFS run: convert C: /FS:NTFS

Note: DO NOT do this if you use a dual boot system such as with Windows 95
or 98 since they don't work with NTFS.