Security - Security & User Accounts

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I have followed the instructions in both Access/Help and the MS website in setting security access for my Access 2000 database. Namely creating User and Group Accounts. Now Access is requiring a password for all of my databases, not just the one I wanted to install some security on. Short of uninstalling and reinstalling Office can I remove the login requirment from my other databases, and then how can I set up secure logins for just one database

Thanks in advance - Kai

You are currently joined to the workgroup file you secured
the database with. Every time you work with Access you are
using a workgroup file. Most of the time you will just be
using the System.mdw workgroup file that ships with
Access. The Admin user in that workgroup does not have a
password set so Access silently logs you into the database
as Admin with no password so you are not promted for a
User Name/Password.

So what's happening right now is whenever you create a new
database, Access is using the secured workgroup file (MDW)
you created and therefore asks for a User Name/Password.
What you want to do is re-join the System.mdw. I would
start by doing a search on your computer for all *.mdw
files, and note their locations. Then use the workgroup
administrator to see which one you are joined to
currently. The Workgroup Administrator is under Tools,
Security menu in Access 2002 and 2003 if I'm not mistaken.
If you are using 2000 or 97, then use Start, Run,
wrkgadm.exe to start the workgroup administrator.

It will show you the workgroup you are currently joined to
by default. This should be the secured one you created.
Now try joining the standard system.mdw that ships with
Access (its location depends on what Access
version /operating system you are using). Look for one of
the ones you found in your search.

Once joined back to the system.mdw file what you need to
do is create desktop shorcuts to launch your secured
database. The target in the shortcut will be something
like this:

"FullPathToMSAccess.exe" "FullPathToSecureDatabase.mdb"
/wrkgrp "FullPathToSecure.mdw"

This will keep you joined to the system.mdw at all times,
but you will only use the secured mdw file when using this

If you haven't already I would suggest these learning
materials on Access User Lvel Security:

-Download the Security FAQ here (the Security Bible):

-Download Jack Macdonald's Security Document:

Read Lynn Trapp's Ten Security Steps:

I also found the security chapter in the Access
Developer's Handbook very useful:
Hi Kai

If you run the Access Workgroup Administrator (Start > Run > wrkgadm), you
will probably see that your current default workgroup has been set to the
MDW file you created to secure your application. Click the Join button and
set it back to the default, SYSTEM.MDW, which you will find either in the
Win[dows/NT]\System[32] folder, or in C:\Program Files\Common Files\System.

Now, you should be able to start Access and open other databases without a
password, but you *should not* be able to open your secured database (unless
it is not properly secured).

To open the secured DB, create a shortcut with a target command line like

"<path to MSACCESS.exe>" "<path to your MDB>"
/wrkgrp:"<path to your MDW file>"

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

KaiRich said:

I have followed the instructions in both Access/Help and the MS website in
setting security access for my Access 2000 database. Namely creating User
and Group Accounts. Now Access is requiring a password for all of my
databases, not just the one I wanted to install some security on. Short of
uninstalling and reinstalling Office can I remove the login requirment from
my other databases, and then how can I set up secure logins for just one