can any body help me on this
I am connecting to a website using internet explorer(ver
6.0.26).The site uses basic authentication.I created a
internet shortcut on my desktop to this site.
when i click on this shortcut,it prompts for me for userid
and password.If i close the window after browsing the
site,and click the short cut once again ,it prompts me for
userid and password.So for every thing is working the way
i want.
The problem is if there is any instance of the browser is
opened ,if i click the short cut first time,it asks me for
userid/password.If i close the window and click once again
the short cut,It is not asking the userid password and
login automatically.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem.
1.just open an internet explorer ,
2.create a short cut for the website,that support basic
3.click the short cut ,first time it ask you the
userid/password.close the browser after successful login.
4.click the short cut ,once again.it won't ask you for
user/password details.
can any body help me on this
I am connecting to a website using internet explorer(ver
6.0.26).The site uses basic authentication.I created a
internet shortcut on my desktop to this site.
when i click on this shortcut,it prompts for me for userid
and password.If i close the window after browsing the
site,and click the short cut once again ,it prompts me for
userid and password.So for every thing is working the way
i want.
The problem is if there is any instance of the browser is
opened ,if i click the short cut first time,it asks me for
userid/password.If i close the window and click once again
the short cut,It is not asking the userid password and
login automatically.
Here are the steps to reproduce the problem.
1.just open an internet explorer ,
2.create a short cut for the website,that support basic
3.click the short cut ,first time it ask you the
userid/password.close the browser after successful login.
4.click the short cut ,once again.it won't ask you for
user/password details.