Security logins and such

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So I'm reading the MS Access Security FAQ, trying to secure my DB. It says I
need to use the Workgroup Administrator program (Wrkgadm.exe). So I try to
run it, but I can't find it. Can't even find it in a file search.

What's the deal? I imagine I can't finish the security procedure until I
get this resolved. I'm so close for users to do beta testing. Security
logins and then front end/back ending it and I'm done. Can someone help me

So I'm reading the MS Access Security FAQ, trying to secure my DB. It says I
need to use the Workgroup Administrator program (Wrkgadm.exe). So I try to
run it, but I can't find it. Can't even find it in a file search.

What's the deal? I imagine I can't finish the security procedure until I
get this resolved. I'm so close for users to do beta testing. Security
logins and then front end/back ending it and I'm done. Can someone help me


What version of Access are you using? They took out workgroup security in
2007... :-{(

John W. Vinson [MVP]
So I'm reading the MS Access Security FAQ, trying to secure my DB. It says I
need to use the Workgroup Administrator program (Wrkgadm.exe). So I try to
run it, but I can't find it. Can't even find it in a file search.

What's the deal? I imagine I can't finish the security procedure until I
get this resolved. I'm so close for users to do beta testing. Security
logins and then front end/back ending it and I'm done. Can someone help me


What do you need to do that you can't do with Tools... Security... Workgroup
Administrator? It may be that the FAQ is a bit out of date in that regard.

John W. Vinson [MVP]
More recent versions (2002/2003) have the workgroup administrator built-in. You'll find it in Tools, Security, Workgroup Administrator.

You say security logins and then FE/BE; just be sure not to use the database splitter wizard in this case as you'll end up with an unsecure BE/secure FE. Instead split it manually - see
I believe either John or Joan can help me. I set up security using the
One-step Wizard and none of the logons work. I cannot get into any ACCESS
database on my hard drive or the shared network, not just the one in which I
created the workgroup ID and users. Any advice?
I was having the same problem Beverly was having. I created a login for
Admin with a password and for some reason, the default login name was my
first initial and last name and no password worked. I got the admin login to
work, but it really worried me that it defaulted to my name when that was
totally unexpected and unprepared for.

I guess I just don't understand the worgroup administrator functions enough
to be messing with it. The funny thing is, about 6 months ago, I did it with
a different DB and it work fine.
The wizard created a desktop shortcut for you to use for the secure mdb - open it via that. If you look at the properties of the shortcut you'll see that the target uses a /wrkgrp switch, which tells Access to override your default workgroup file and use the secure workgroup file for that session.
Freehal04 said:
I was having the same problem Beverly was having. I created a login for
Admin with a password and for some reason, the default login name was my
first initial and last name and no password worked. I got the admin login to
work, but it really worried me that it defaulted to my name when that was
totally unexpected and unprepared for.

The first time you open a secured database, it will use your Windows login name as the username for Access. Just replace that with an actual Access username. The next time you open the database it'll default to the last Access username that was used on that machine.
I guess I just don't understand the worgroup administrator functions enough
to be messing with it. The funny thing is, about 6 months ago, I did it with
a different DB and it work fine.

Every session of Access uses a workgroup file. Out of the box it uses system.mdw and silently logs you in as 'Admin'. Every system.mdw is the same, which is why/how you can freely share mdb files with other users - they too use system.mdw and are silently logged in as Admin, as user that owns everything and has full permissions to everything.

When you secure a database, the first step is to create a new workgroup file. You want your secure mdb to only open when a person has the correct mdw; you don't want them to be able to open the secure mdb using system.mdw. When you create a new workgroup file, Access changes your default mdw from system.mdw to this new mdw (something always has to be set as the default). Once you have finished securing the mdb, you want to change your default back to system.mdw and use a desktop shortcut for the secure database. This way you use the shortcut to start the secure mdb. All other sessions of Access will use your default (system.mdw) which won't prompt you for a username/password.

Some more reading:
So what is my objective, to join or create a work group? Is this work group
the file that will contain all of the user names and passwords that will be
using the DB?
Okay, that's starting to make sense. Does the new system.mdw need to be
stored in the same folder as the DB?
Thanks Joan, I'll give it a shot. This may take a while, I'm going to go
real slow and make sure I do it right.
No, it doesn't - it can be stored anywhere, as long as your desktop shortcut points to the right path.

I would recommend that you keep it in the same folder as the backend on the server - it'll get backed up then, and all users can use the same file - easier to manage.
Okay, so I went through the entire process and I got my admin login setup,
and a got a few user logins set up. Trouble now is, when someone else tries
to log on from their computer they have a straight shot to the DB without the

I'm sure I missed something. But what?
You must have missed a step. You can't skip anything. It's a good test to see if you did it right - join the standard system.mdw and try to open the secure mdb - you shouldn't be able to even open it.

Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP
Freehal04 said:
Okay, so I went through the entire process and I got my admin login setup,
and a got a few user logins set up. Trouble now is, when someone else tries
to log on from their computer they have a straight shot to the DB without the

I'm sure I missed something. But what?
well I can get right to the DB even on the standard system.mdw. Should I
delete the new system.mdw and start over or what? BTW, thanks for you help
with all of this.