Security experts vote to outlaw PDF file format


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Security experts at the Virus Bulletin 2010 conference have voted overwhelmingly to abolish Adobe's PDF standard and replace it with a safer format.

Paul Baccus, a senior threat researcher at Sophos, conducted a straw poll on the future of PDF during a conference session, and found that 97 per cent favour dumping the standard and working on a safer format with better software security.

Baccus then asked whether anyone from Adobe was in the audience. After a pause a voice at the back shouted: ...

"Of course not, it's a security conference."


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Hee hee :D

Seriously, I always wondered what the whole point of PDF files was anyway. They're not that flexible and most anything could be made to serve a similar function in Open Office, MS Word, Text, Notepad etc.

Assuming those software apps have the ability to make a reference that takes you to the relevant page, I don't know.

I, for one, will not mourn it's passing if it's clobbered for good.
Good riddance if it really does go. I've never liked it and always thought of it as an anomaly. It's just so different to everything else, so why have in its present form? I often wondered why it has never been updated to be similar to other text systems.

And, it's just so awkward to copy and paste even with some of the programmes designed to do just that. The ones I've tried are totally incapable of dealing with different sizes of print.

Let's hope that it's not just hot air.
Tis funny!

Did anyone ask what Adobe thought of what everyone else was trying to do with there property, I know it's a pain in the proverbial to use but its like your next door neighbour and your neighbour from opposite you getting together holding a meeting and banning you from ever using your lawn mower again because they don't like what noise it makes..:D

This is a funny old world!