Our company has a fair amount of data on our MSSQL server
and I'm planning to use either VB or Access to write some
frontend applications to access them.
However, I'm not sure whether I should establish my
security model on the data level (relying on SQL's
security and policies) or rely on a function-based model.
By that I mean I control who gets to use which function
in order to access the data. I can create another table
in SQL to store which group of users can have specific
access rights to a function.
The pros and cons I have come up with on the function-
based model so far:
Easier to define than SQL's data level
More varied types of access rights
WAY less secure than SQL's security model
Comments are most welcomed.
and I'm planning to use either VB or Access to write some
frontend applications to access them.
However, I'm not sure whether I should establish my
security model on the data level (relying on SQL's
security and policies) or rely on a function-based model.
By that I mean I control who gets to use which function
in order to access the data. I can create another table
in SQL to store which group of users can have specific
access rights to a function.
The pros and cons I have come up with on the function-
based model so far:
Easier to define than SQL's data level
More varied types of access rights
WAY less secure than SQL's security model
Comments are most welcomed.