Security Context in threads




I have an winforms application that needs to launch a thread, and
within that thread change the security context of the current user to a new
one using impersonation. For clarity, the main thread that the application
is running under is Thread A, and the new thread in which i perform the
impersonation under is thread B.

This works fine, but i now need to launch another thread (Thread C) from
within Thread B. This is all good, but i need thread C to run under the same
security context as Thread B. What is happening is that when thread C is
launched, it runs under the security context of thread A (the main thread),
and hence causing problems.

Is there some way that I can force a thread to run under the security
context of the thread it was launched from (ie, thread C runs under the same
security context as Thread B), or do i have to invoke imperonation again
under thread C to fix this?

Sorry if this explanation is confusing.



Cor Ligthert


It is a little bit confusing yes, I do not have the answer for you, however
did you know that there is a special newsgroup for security.

I would ask it as well, with which I do not mean that you cannot get answers
here as well so keep checking this newsgroup.

I hope this helps somehow?


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