yiannis said:
I have completely removed Norton 2007 from my system(Uninstallation using
Symantec Removal Tool,Files/folders and Registry Keys) following Symantec's
Alhaugh i thaught nothing from Norton 2007 resides in my pc ,Windows
Security Center recognizes functional Norton 2007 in my system and
surprisingly EVEN Norton Firewall (i never had installed)!!
Please HELP me to get rid of NORTON 2007 from my system and my system's
Security Center surveillance!!
If you are sure you followed Symantec's uninstallation instructions and
used the removal tool from the following links, you can reset the
Security Center.
http://tinyurl.com/q7nsf - Removing and reinstalling Norton Internet
Security, Norton AntiSpam, or Norton Personal Firewall (2006/2005/2004
When Security Center reports an av or firewall that has been
uninstalled, try this (make a System Restore point first):
Method A.
Start>Run>services.msc [enter]
Scroll down to Windows Management Instrumentation and double-click it.
Now click on the "Pause" button. Leave that window open and double-click
My Computer. Navigate to %systemroot%\Windows\System32\wbem (where
%systemroot% is the drive where XP is installed). Delete the Repository
folder and *only* the Repository folder. Now go back to the WMI service
window you left open and restart the service.
This will rebuild the Repository and hopefully straighten out the
incorrect entries for all your duplicates.
In order to see the Windows files, you may need to unhide them:
Make sure you are able to see all hidden files and extensions (View tab
in Folder Options).
a. Check "Display the contents of system folders".
b. Check "Show hidden files and folders".
c. Uncheck "Hide protected operating system files" and click "OK" to the
dialog box.
Method B. The wbem thing from MVP Torgeir Bakken (more elegant)
Open a command window (Start/Run --> cmd.exe) and run the following
net stop winmgmt
cd /d %windir%\system32\wbem
ren repository repository.old
net start winmgmt
(or alternatively delete it using the command "rd /s repository" instead
of the ren command)
It may take a minute or so to complete while WMI rebuilds the database.
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic!"
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User