I've been bringing my XP laptop to school. I plug it in
and log on with my school issued username and password.
This enables me to access my files which are stored on
the district server and access other areas to which I
have permission to go. This has worked fine for almost a
year. Suddenly the admin has created a policy which
states that non school issued equipment may not be used
to access the network. They maintain that XP poses a
security risk with the 98 network. They aren't terribly
knowledgeable and technology is hit or miss in our
district. I insist that using my laptop helps me do my
job, frees up limited resources for students, etc. Does
it really pose an additional security risk? I need
ammunition for my meeting with the tech guy tomorrow.
and log on with my school issued username and password.
This enables me to access my files which are stored on
the district server and access other areas to which I
have permission to go. This has worked fine for almost a
year. Suddenly the admin has created a policy which
states that non school issued equipment may not be used
to access the network. They maintain that XP poses a
security risk with the 98 network. They aren't terribly
knowledgeable and technology is hit or miss in our
district. I insist that using my laptop helps me do my
job, frees up limited resources for students, etc. Does
it really pose an additional security risk? I need
ammunition for my meeting with the tech guy tomorrow.