Secure Web Site



I am unable to connect (the page cannot be displayed error) to one particular secure web site. I have talked to the site's tech support several times but nothing they have suugested has worked. My ISp says it's not their problem because they are able to connect. Any suggestions?

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP

Bob said:
I am unable to connect (the page cannot be displayed error) to one
particular secure web site. I have talked to the site's tech support
several times but nothing they have suugested has worked. My ISp
says it's not their problem because they are able to connect. Any

Check for a file named HOSTS with no extension (not Hosts.sam). It may be a
hidden file. Open it with Notepad and remove any line referencing the site.
Or, rename HOSTS to OLDHOSTS

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP, IE/OE
Please respond in Newsgroup. Do not send email
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