Secure Scheduling of Remote Tasks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Net Coder
  • Start date Start date

Net Coder

Does the .Net framework provide the libraries to enable the ability to
schedule tasks on remote machines using the user's credentials?

After some research, the following methods were found but none of them fully
meets the requirements.

1) Use the Task Scheduler class found here
Problem is that the class required a username and password and doesn't just
pass on the user's credentials.
no. NT does not have much of a job scheduler. Look at SQLAgent that comes
with SQLServer for a more robust enviroment.

-- bruce (
bruce said:
no. NT does not have much of a job scheduler. Look at SQLAgent that comes
with SQLServer for a more robust enviroment.

-- bruce (

Thanks for the insight bruce.

I guess that I'll just have to shell out of the code and use at.exe for
scheduling remote server tasks, redirect stdout to a text file and parse the
file for errors. I was hoping I wouldn't have to get down to this level.

I think that in the long run, I'll have to write a service using .Net
Remoting and install it on the server as a server side component to my
client side app.

The client side application creates user accounts in AD, as well as
configuring a default user profile and home drive for the user. I don't
want the data to be copied across the network hence the question about
remotely scheduling a task to run on the server to copy the default
'profile' (extended roaming profile really) into the user's home drive and
or roaming profile.

As it is the client side app doesn't copy the default profile and it
actually works relatively fast even on low bandwidth WAN links.

Ultimately, I could remotely start a process on the file server via WMI.
The Win32_Process class seems to allow processes to be created on a remote
server if you have admin access to it.