Secure Pages and Hotmail and MSN



Hi All

Hopefully someone can help me with this. I´m living in a rural area and
have just got rural wifi installed. Basically there´s an antenna on a
mountain nearby and that points to the antenna on my roof which connects to
bridge and then comes down to my PC through an ethernet cable.

Now the system (I think) works like adsl with a defined IP for my PC and one
at the router (which I do not have access to!)

Problem is that I cannot access any secure page, banking and such and I
cannot access hotmail, msn messenger using the web logon.

I have tried lots of suggestions, clearing net junk, Knolegebase articles,
reregestering dlls, enabling ssl2, 3, tls 1 and passive ftp. No avail! I
have also "Avant browser" installed to give it a bash but same problems with

Can anyone please help me?


P4 3gig, ATI9700 64mb, WIn XP home, 512 ddr laptop


Thanks for that, but still no joy.....
Have sent an email to the ISP and will wait for the reply. Its strange cos
I can access gmail which is secure.....

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