Secure Off Site Backup


Sunflower Queen
Jun 1, 2004
Reaction score
Hello :)

Can anyone advise where to look for a secure offsite back up service?

It's to ensure that my business files are backed up securely and safely.

Any advice/suggestions would be very gratefully received.


Gabriella x
There are loads of online backup places, ranging from free to extremely expensive - although if you need secure space it will probably come at a premium (and I'd strongly suggest a UK provider if it needs to be secure, as it will be more difficult dealing with offshore operations should anything happen).

I've not used any providers myself so I'm not really in a position to advise, however a google turned up: and They appear to offer free trials so it may be worth giving them a call and finding out a bit more.
Hi gabriella, there is some good information in this weeks Computer Active, issue 236 £1.49, regarding back, up you should be able to get this mag at w.h.smith`s
Thanks guys and I will try and get hold of Computer Active W Bishop - sounds like just the thing for some more information.

Many thanks again :)

Gabriella x
Pop the CD/DVD in the post to me ... I promise I won't look at it. ;)

This is a Free service to PCReview regulars only. :thumb:

Gabs, jokin aside, I know your Data can be quite sensitive, personal & revealing, but why not just buy a nice safe ... :)
Yes, you're probably right Mucks. I do back up on CD/DVD but I recently had an awful experience when my suitcase containing all sorts of legal documents and work related stuff went missing first in Lisbon and then, having retrieved it, was not at Heathrow when I flew back from Portugal.

It just made me think about what can happen and I was in a right old state for 5 days until the airline finally motivated themselves to actually go and look for my case (which incidentally had not left Portugal at this point) and then send it back to my house. I had my memory stick - the mobile back up - in the case as well.

So, having a few days on my hands to sort out paperwork etc... I have decided to sort out a disaster recovery plan for my data which I am thinking will involve off site backup.

Anyway, it's good to have a few options and I will bear the safe idea in mind.

Hope you are well :)


Gabriella x

ah, hmmm, scary I should say ... not funny.

Doesn't help though if you have very sensitive information like bank details or whatever though. Once they are nicked it makes no differene whether you have the origianls or not.