Or you could use adfind...
adfind -tdc -b basedn -f name=machinename pwdLastSet
or if you have a single domain or the machine is in the default domain
adfind -tdc -default -f name=machinename pwdLastSet
[Sun 01/23/2005 15:04:43.77]
C:\WINDOWS>adfind -tdc -default -f name=fastmofo pwdLastSet
AdFind V01.26.00cpp Joe Richards (
[email protected]) January 2005
Using server: 2k3dc02.joe.com
Directory: Windows Server 2003
Base DN: DC=joe,DC=com
pwdLastSet: 01/12/2005-01:14:39
1 Objects returned
The command completed successfully.
Joe Richards Microsoft MVP Windows Server Directory Services
Install the support tools (\support on the windows server CDROM) and run
Drill down to where the computer object is in the directory (under the
domain partition) and right-click and choose properties.
In the properties window, select pwdLastSet from the 'select a property to
view' drop-down and the result is a long integer in the value(s) box.
You could do the same using LDP and then use LDP's large-integer converter
to make more sense of the data.
Or you could script it. I think some of the scripting guru's here have
already written this script and made it freely available. Try searching for
pwdLastSet and password or something.