Secound Search Bar Under My Address Bar



I have this 2nd Bar under my address bar That simply will
not go away. I tried right clicking it to delete. But
nothing comes up. It's name is "mywebsearch". So i looked
in add & remove. Nothing there. I ran ad aware, and
spybot. Still nothing. Then I went into my reg files to
look for it. Could find anything out of the ordernary
there. And of corse I ran msconfig and unchecked
everything in startup thinking that I could toss it that
way. No go. Then I begain thinking about services under
msconfig. My be it's in there. That's where I need your
all help. On services, what do I REALY need checked, and
not. I hope that you guys can help me.


Firstly i am a computer novice so i may not be right,
but ,I think i have had this before and it was something
to do with a program i downloaded called KAZAAR for file
sharing. Got rid of this KAZAAR because it caused other
problems and the toolbar thing went.
Hope this might help
good luck.


I don't think you'll find it there... check anywa

When done try this

Note: DO NOT skip any of the steps

Update your antivirus

Spybot-S&D ( (make sure you have the latest version of the program
Ad-aware (

Disconnect Internet
Restart computer in Safe Mode (see Help(F1) for more information), and scan it using all these programs, antivirus first

Good Luck

Low transfat and low carb diet for your pc or How to optimize Windows XP for the best performance

Always keep antivirus and spy removal applications up-to-date, and scan regularly.


Download CWS shredder, google it "CWS Shredder" and run
the program. The original is by Merjin I beleive.

-----Original Message-----
I don't think you'll find it there... check anyway

When done try this:

Note: DO NOT skip any of the steps.

Update your antivirus.

Spybot-S&D ( (make
sure you have the latest version of the program)
Ad-aware (

Disconnect Internet.
Restart computer in Safe Mode (see Help(F1) for more
information), and scan it using all these programs,
antivirus first.
Good Luck!
optimize Windows XP for the best performance:

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