Scott Townsend
Most servers these days come with a second NIC. I was wondering what others
use that NIC for?
We do remote Server backups and I was thinking about creating a Subnet for
the Backup Server that used the Second NIC so that way the data traffic for
Backup would not impact the normal data traffic.
What do others use the Second NIC for. How would you configure the server
to use both for say Terminal Server Sessions or SQL Connections?
Have 2 IPs published and do Round Robin, or assign certain Clients one IP
and others the other IP?
use that NIC for?
We do remote Server backups and I was thinking about creating a Subnet for
the Backup Server that used the Second NIC so that way the data traffic for
Backup would not impact the normal data traffic.
What do others use the Second NIC for. How would you configure the server
to use both for say Terminal Server Sessions or SQL Connections?
Have 2 IPs published and do Round Robin, or assign certain Clients one IP
and others the other IP?