Second Jobs

Oct 8, 2007
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Does anyone have one - i.e. evening data input or something they do from home.

I work in IT support but the money is crap as i'm only just starting out.
I do..I do my normal job during the day..Then do door supervisor work at various clubs/pubs 3 evenings a week..And at the weekend I work as a chef in one of Londons top hotels...Busy Busy Busy
I kinda do.... I take the extra work I have at work home. Atm I'm building a BIG DB with PDA uploading, so it can be used remotely by surveyors and then updated when they are in the office, pritty much all of it will be automated.
Already done over 50hours on it in the last 2 weeks, most of it is written in VB and SQL within MS Access..... SOOOOO many unbound forms and moduels..... oh well... at least my pay check will be big this month :D
By night I'm a man of international mystery saving the planet from global threats & terrorism.
By feckit
By night I'm a man of international mystery saving the planet from global threats & terrorism

funny that , i thought you were a Nucleur safety Inspector :)
Madxgraphics said:
I do..I do my normal job during the day..Then do door supervisor work at various clubs/pubs 3 evenings a week..And at the weekend I work as a chef in one of Londons top hotels...Busy Busy Busy

So lemme see - you're a gourmet bouncer? :D
Well i finish my paid job at 2pm then have 5 hours of a hypo fruit loving 3year old boy and a emotional 6 year old girl me a second paid job would be a doddle...

By flops ..
So lemme see - you're a gourmet bouncer? :D

The original Phantom Flan
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floppybootstomp said:
So lemme see - you're a gourmet bouncer? :D

I come from a family of Chefs, I started when I was in the army in S.A...As for the door work, I wanted to get into Personal Protection (Body Gaurd) after I left the police, and doing a door licence was part of the course.. Along came a couple of children and I never made it to bodygaurd, they were more important than putting my life at rik for somebody else..Cooking is still a passion of mine, but unless you have the money to setup your own place in the topest of areas, the money is just not good enough to do it as a first job...As for the rest of my qualifications, they were more or less done just to prove other people wrong..
Qualifications eh? They're a strange old thing and often as not don't help you a great deal.

Let's see, I have:

City & Guilds Pt III Electronic servicing in Colour TV Reception and Digital Techniques.
Full ERS Qualified Industrial Radiographer
Basic Food Hygiene Certificate
Assorted GCE O Levels

I've worked in the catering industry - as a kitchen porter :D But I did progress to breakfast and veg chef, which basically involved peeling and preparing vegetables and frying eggs, lol. That was at a hotel near Newquay. Catering staff, in my experience, are all psychos and prone to acts of random violence. I kid you not - it must be the heat.

As for second jobs, nope, I have none, being self-employed anything I do is income and I'm basically a cash whore so I'll do most things ;)
Madxgraphics said:
Then do door supervisor work at various clubs/pubs 3 evenings a week..

Cor blimey you are a bouncer?

A bouncer who is friendly and gives away FREE PC parts?

What's going on fella!?
psd99 said:
Cor blimey you are a bouncer?

A bouncer who is friendly and gives away FREE PC parts?

What's going on fella!?

lol not all bouncers are big nasty people...The art of bouncing is total calmness...
Oh and i'm just a nice
nah you must be smoking something ;)

I've never met any bouncer that isn't nasty, rude and aggresive! Well you must be an exception then. Good to hear that there is some of you that are good.
psd99 said:
nah you must be smoking something ;)

I've never met any bouncer that isn't nasty, rude and aggresive! Well you must be an exception then. Good to hear that there is some of you that are good.

Nah I don't smoke, its bad for you...Yeah there are a good few that are as you say, and give the rest a bad name..Although I will say in defense..Try standing at the door of a club up north somehwere in the middle of winter in the p*ssing rain, and have some little gobsh*te, who's drunl to bottles of cheap cider in your face beacuse you won't let him in the club, because you have just emptied his pockets of a certain class A, and see how long you stay calm

Edit: No offense to Norhterns
lol well I know this much those northerners are tough people! I'll give 'em that.

Yes there must be some right gits you have to deal with but it comes as part of the job :)
Great a chef aboard,

Mr Madxgraphics ,ingredients please and how to make a great sweet and sour sauce (proper Chinese Take-away) to pour over my crispy chicken balls. seriously need it mate :wave:
1/4 c. brown sugar
2 tbsp. cornstarch
1/2 tsp. salt
3/4 c. pineapple juice
1/4 c. water
2 tbsp. vinegar
2 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. soy sauce

All in a sauce pot over a medium heat for about 3 minutes or until it thickens....Try googling other sweet & sour recipes, as this one more than likely won't taste like your local Chinese makes...There are loads of different ways to do it..LOL am I gonna become the Gordon Ramsay of Pc Review..?Probably swear like himalready...
psd99 said:
lol well I know this much those northerners are tough people! I'll give 'em that.

Yes there must be some right gits you have to deal with but it comes as part of the job :)

Yeah it does come as part of the job..Thats for sure, and generally the rude, bad tempered, agressive door supervisors arethe ones that have not had the correct training..Violence and aggression should be the last reort to defuse the situation..And fortunately I have never had to resort to either..And i've had everything from been kicked in the b*llox by a p*ssed of northern lass, because her fella was ejected to been spat in the face by some spotted hooded youth down south, who did it for no other reason, than he thought he would be able to prevoke a reaction from me..
psd99 you're in the dark ages.

The true art of bouncing is to diffuse a situation, not cause a situation.

If club-goers don't see or hear violence they will feel secure and continue to give a club their patronage. If they regularly see bouncers steaming into people, the club will go bust.

I've seen doormen ideal for the situation and I've seen complete idiots who fancy themselves and seem permanently up for it.

But mostly these days it's not about being hard but keeping the peace.

View the film 'Roadhouse' for further enlightenment.

Myself, I still have a chipped front tooth from where a bouncer knocked me on my back with a swift right hander at the door to a night club in Hastings when I was nineteen. He must have been wearing a ring I suppose because apart from the chipped tooth I was covered in claret.

I was a little out of order I suppose, drunkish, but I don't think I deserved that. Later that year I broke three of the club's windows as revenge.

Never did see him at that club again, funnily enough, and I went there on and off for years.
By Madxgraphics..
LOL am I gonna become the Gordon Ramsay of Pc Review.

might be , will test it this weekend m8 :) will add a carrot slither for garnish as well
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