[ Snip ]
Would it be possible for 2 drives to be inside one housing with the main
reason being so you can connect 2 sata connectors for raid 0 ?
Sure, it's possible. A while back IBM had a 5.25in drive that was
really a pair of 3.5in drives in the same enclosure, sharing a single
interface. (I seem to recall that the total size was ~4GB, i.e. each
3.5in mechanism was 2GB or so).
It worked, and worked well, but wasn't a commercial success since it
didn't save much over two 3.5in drives.
However, the issue with most notebook systems is the tradeoff between
size, weight and power. If you doubled the number of disks, you'd
double the power consumption of your disk subsystem, which would drive
the demand for a larger battery subsystem, etc. So you could
compromise by using slower (i.e. lower power consuming) disks, which
would make sense for RAID-1 reasons, but probably not when compared to
a single fast disk.
In short, you've stumbled into the portable-vs-laptop argument that
raged back in the late 1980s/early 1990s, which resolved itself by
recognizing that small, light computers with excellent battery life
sold better than big, heavy computers with poor battery specs. That
said, there *is* a market for battery-less portables, which is growing
due to the ready availability of external power sources (e.g. on
airplanes, either by in-seat power or by separate external battery
bricks). But as a market segment, it's not nearly as important as the
opposite philosophy: tiny, light systems with good synchronization
capabilities (i.e. super-PDA's).