Second hard disk not available

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kohler Andreas
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Kohler Andreas

Dear all,

I've bought a new PC (Dell 8300) with a 250GB HD (SATA) and XP Home (SP1a),
every thing works fine. From my old PC XP Prof (SP1a) I've moved the second
120GB HD (Ultra-ATA) with all my data (only data, no system, no programs) to
the new PC. Disk Manager "sees" the disk, but drive letter, partition etc.
are not shown.

Right mouse click to the drive icon offers to convert/format the disk to
"basics" with a warning that data will be lost. I need this data and would
like to prevent to format the disk of course. How can I "mount" this second

The old PC had some problems and I've installed the system from scratch. So
it is no longer available to go back to re-install the disk with the old
configuration, but I've installed the second disk for test with the same

Any suggestions, hints ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

BTW, the disk is also not available with Explorer.


How did you fix this problem??

-----Original Message-----
I've solved the problem with Ranish Partition Manager successfully !!!
and XP Home
(SP1a), I've moved the
second system, no programs)
to I "mount" this
second system from scratch.
