Seasoned Outlook user/New to BCM - Drowning Please Help

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I use Outlook extensively. I am in sales and was looking for the easiest and
most effecient way to keep up with my contacts and the sales process. BCM was
suggested and included in my purchase. I installed it and opened outlook and
I still have my normal contacts in tact - yeah. I see the BCM Accounts and
Contacts. I understand Accounts are for active customers and contacts are
????? I have looked at tutorials, read info on the internet, exported my data
to a spread sheet then reimported it back to BCM accounts and contacts. I
noticed something was wrong when I went into the address field and changed a
small detail in the BCM account view and then looked into the same outlook
contact and there was no change nor was their a change in the BCM contact
view. All changes in one view are not seen in each view. Am I not
understanding something?? Also, I sinc to my Palm operating system. If I use
BCM am I going to have to add customers or prospects in all 3 locationn? I
need quick and easy - if this is not for me and I should just use my current
outlook only system please tell me now and I will not be wasting my time....
My impression was that I would be using BCM like I use outlook but with more
options available that are helpful for sales people. Thanks!!!
It's me again, I sounded a little bit confusing. Let me try again. Is BCM
going to give me more options that Outlook alone? Is it a different program
inside of Outlook? Why can't I make a change in the address in one area and
the change not show up in all areas? I feel that everything is not linked
together - am I correct? I have read through some of the questions and
comments and some said I needed updates - I did as many of those as I could.
Some said that I will not be able to sync BCM info. That's fine as long as I
can still update outlook and sync. But if I update outlook is the changes and
additions going to show in BCM? When I first installed, there was no wizzard
as some suggested. Should I reinstall? Please, help me I do not have a lot of
time to waste on this type of office work. I need to be out in the field
making contacts. Hope I am not confusing. I like the idea and the idea of
getting reports. Hoping this will help.

BCM is a SQL dababase add-in to Outlook. Both programs share the same
Outlook user interface in order to "appear" that they are the same. However,
they use separate data storage. The contacts data in Outlook is an entirely
separate store from Business Contacts in BCM. Outlook native data is kept in
your .pst file or on an exchange server if you are networked as such. BCM
data is separately stored within a SQL db. Is this an optimal configuration?
There are too many arguments both pro & con to go into right now. The bottom
line is will BCM meet your needs? From my experience, BCM is more of a
customer manager for a small business owner to utilize additional object
items to track data. If you are involved in a more typical real-world sales
position, you may find some of BCM's design limitations to be frustrating.
Your ability to link data objects on a many-to-many basis is restricted. The
latest version 3 release of BCM has some very nice UI improvements. The use
of BCM is not very intuitive at times in my opinion for someone new but once
learned, it is easy to navigate around, etc.

I can appreciate that you lack the time to be able to hassle with learning to
use software. BCM is the type of app that is kind of stealth and it is not
readily apparent until you move into it for a whilests before you can fully
determine if it will work for you. The downside to that is if you encounter
some limitations that you can't live with, you have to "move-out" your data
which is not always easy once you have gone down the road for a while.
Without intending to confuse you more, you may conider taking a look at this
option found at Avidian's Prophet add-in does NOT require a
separate contacts database because their SQL constantly maintains an
automatic re-write from the Outlook pst contact record. This alone
eliminates device synching restrictions that sales people often can't live
with. There is so much more to share about this topic but time does not
allow right now.

Best wishes,


It's me again, I sounded a little bit confusing. Let me try again. Is BCM
going to give me more options that Outlook alone? Is it a different program
inside of Outlook? Why can't I make a change in the address in one area and
the change not show up in all areas? I feel that everything is not linked
together - am I correct? I have read through some of the questions and
comments and some said I needed updates - I did as many of those as I could.
Some said that I will not be able to sync BCM info. That's fine as long as I
can still update outlook and sync. But if I update outlook is the changes and
additions going to show in BCM? When I first installed, there was no wizzard
as some suggested. Should I reinstall? Please, help me I do not have a lot of
time to waste on this type of office work. I need to be out in the field
making contacts. Hope I am not confusing. I like the idea and the idea of
getting reports. Hoping this will help.
I use Outlook extensively. I am in sales and was looking for the easiest and
most effecient way to keep up with my contacts and the sales process. BCM was
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
My impression was that I would be using BCM like I use outlook but with more
options available that are helpful for sales people. Thanks!!!
Thank you I have looked into prophet and liked the idea. I may look into it
more. I have been playing around with this, and have a better understanding.
Taking more tutorials and such. I do not like that I can add a new contact in
BCM and not see it in outlook which I sync into my Palm. I realize that I can
copy and paste to the other data base which is an option. I will look into
that other program further. I feel like BCM may be more that I need. I like
the opportunity tracking though I can do some of that by hand or in excel. I
just would like it simple and in one place. Thanks!!

mrtimpeterson via said:

BCM is a SQL dababase add-in to Outlook. Both programs share the same
Outlook user interface in order to "appear" that they are the same. However,
they use separate data storage. The contacts data in Outlook is an entirely
separate store from Business Contacts in BCM. Outlook native data is kept in
your .pst file or on an exchange server if you are networked as such. BCM
data is separately stored within a SQL db. Is this an optimal configuration?
There are too many arguments both pro & con to go into right now. The bottom
line is will BCM meet your needs? From my experience, BCM is more of a
customer manager for a small business owner to utilize additional object
items to track data. If you are involved in a more typical real-world sales
position, you may find some of BCM's design limitations to be frustrating.
Your ability to link data objects on a many-to-many basis is restricted. The
latest version 3 release of BCM has some very nice UI improvements. The use
of BCM is not very intuitive at times in my opinion for someone new but once
learned, it is easy to navigate around, etc.

I can appreciate that you lack the time to be able to hassle with learning to
use software. BCM is the type of app that is kind of stealth and it is not
readily apparent until you move into it for a whilests before you can fully
determine if it will work for you. The downside to that is if you encounter
some limitations that you can't live with, you have to "move-out" your data
which is not always easy once you have gone down the road for a while.
Without intending to confuse you more, you may conider taking a look at this
option found at Avidian's Prophet add-in does NOT require a
separate contacts database because their SQL constantly maintains an
automatic re-write from the Outlook pst contact record. This alone
eliminates device synching restrictions that sales people often can't live
with. There is so much more to share about this topic but time does not
allow right now.

Best wishes,


It's me again, I sounded a little bit confusing. Let me try again. Is BCM
going to give me more options that Outlook alone? Is it a different program
inside of Outlook? Why can't I make a change in the address in one area and
the change not show up in all areas? I feel that everything is not linked
together - am I correct? I have read through some of the questions and
comments and some said I needed updates - I did as many of those as I could.
Some said that I will not be able to sync BCM info. That's fine as long as I
can still update outlook and sync. But if I update outlook is the changes and
additions going to show in BCM? When I first installed, there was no wizzard
as some suggested. Should I reinstall? Please, help me I do not have a lot of
time to waste on this type of office work. I need to be out in the field
making contacts. Hope I am not confusing. I like the idea and the idea of
getting reports. Hoping this will help.
I use Outlook extensively. I am in sales and was looking for the easiest and
most effecient way to keep up with my contacts and the sales process. BCM was
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
My impression was that I would be using BCM like I use outlook but with more
options available that are helpful for sales people. Thanks!!!
Let me ask one more thing - Do I under stand this correctly? BCM is like
outlook but separate. So If I use BCM only then copy my Business Contacts
over into Outlook contacts then I can sync and come back to the office and
use my BCM in office and outlook contacts out of office?

mrtimpeterson via said:

BCM is a SQL dababase add-in to Outlook. Both programs share the same
Outlook user interface in order to "appear" that they are the same. However,
they use separate data storage. The contacts data in Outlook is an entirely
separate store from Business Contacts in BCM. Outlook native data is kept in
your .pst file or on an exchange server if you are networked as such. BCM
data is separately stored within a SQL db. Is this an optimal configuration?
There are too many arguments both pro & con to go into right now. The bottom
line is will BCM meet your needs? From my experience, BCM is more of a
customer manager for a small business owner to utilize additional object
items to track data. If you are involved in a more typical real-world sales
position, you may find some of BCM's design limitations to be frustrating.
Your ability to link data objects on a many-to-many basis is restricted. The
latest version 3 release of BCM has some very nice UI improvements. The use
of BCM is not very intuitive at times in my opinion for someone new but once
learned, it is easy to navigate around, etc.

I can appreciate that you lack the time to be able to hassle with learning to
use software. BCM is the type of app that is kind of stealth and it is not
readily apparent until you move into it for a whilests before you can fully
determine if it will work for you. The downside to that is if you encounter
some limitations that you can't live with, you have to "move-out" your data
which is not always easy once you have gone down the road for a while.
Without intending to confuse you more, you may conider taking a look at this
option found at Avidian's Prophet add-in does NOT require a
separate contacts database because their SQL constantly maintains an
automatic re-write from the Outlook pst contact record. This alone
eliminates device synching restrictions that sales people often can't live
with. There is so much more to share about this topic but time does not
allow right now.

Best wishes,


It's me again, I sounded a little bit confusing. Let me try again. Is BCM
going to give me more options that Outlook alone? Is it a different program
inside of Outlook? Why can't I make a change in the address in one area and
the change not show up in all areas? I feel that everything is not linked
together - am I correct? I have read through some of the questions and
comments and some said I needed updates - I did as many of those as I could.
Some said that I will not be able to sync BCM info. That's fine as long as I
can still update outlook and sync. But if I update outlook is the changes and
additions going to show in BCM? When I first installed, there was no wizzard
as some suggested. Should I reinstall? Please, help me I do not have a lot of
time to waste on this type of office work. I need to be out in the field
making contacts. Hope I am not confusing. I like the idea and the idea of
getting reports. Hoping this will help.
I use Outlook extensively. I am in sales and was looking for the easiest and
most effecient way to keep up with my contacts and the sales process. BCM was
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
My impression was that I would be using BCM like I use outlook but with more
options available that are helpful for sales people. Thanks!!!
I read your posts. You seem to be hung up on syncing with outlook
contacts, but want to use the added power of the BCM business contacts.

Why don't you stop syncing with outlook contacts and not even use the
outlook contacts part of the program?

You still use the outlook calendar with BCM, etc., just keep your info
only in BCM and sync just the BCM contacts.

I think that would solve your bottleneck.

Let me ask one more thing - Do I under stand this correctly? BCM is
like outlook but separate. So If I use BCM only then copy my Business
Contacts over into Outlook contacts then I can sync and come back to
the office and use my BCM in office and outlook contacts out of

mrtimpeterson via said:

BCM is a SQL dababase add-in to Outlook. Both programs share the
same Outlook user interface in order to "appear" that they are the
same. However, they use separate data storage. The contacts data in
Outlook is an entirely separate store from Business Contacts in BCM.
Outlook native data is kept in your .pst file or on an exchange
server if you are networked as such. BCM data is separately stored
within a SQL db. Is this an optimal configuration? There are too
many arguments both pro & con to go into right now. The bottom line
is will BCM meet your needs? From my experience, BCM is more of a
customer manager for a small business owner to utilize additional
object items to track data. If you are involved in a more typical
real-world sales position, you may find some of BCM's design
limitations to be frustrating. Your ability to link data objects on a
many-to-many basis is restricted. The latest version 3 release of
BCM has some very nice UI improvements. The use of BCM is not very
intuitive at times in my opinion for someone new but once learned, it
is easy to navigate around, etc.

I can appreciate that you lack the time to be able to hassle with
learning to use software. BCM is the type of app that is kind of
stealth and it is not readily apparent until you move into it for a
whilests before you can fully determine if it will work for you. The
downside to that is if you encounter some limitations that you can't
live with, you have to "move-out" your data which is not always easy
once you have gone down the road for a while. Without intending to
confuse you more, you may conider taking a look at this option found
at Avidian's Prophet add-in does NOT require a
separate contacts database because their SQL constantly maintains an
automatic re-write from the Outlook pst contact record. This alone
eliminates device synching restrictions that sales people often can't
live with. There is so much more to share about this topic but time
does not allow right now.

Best wishes,


It's me again, I sounded a little bit confusing. Let me try again.
Is BCM going to give me more options that Outlook alone? Is it a
different program inside of Outlook? Why can't I make a change in
the address in one area and the change not show up in all areas? I
feel that everything is not linked together - am I correct? I have
read through some of the questions and comments and some said I
needed updates - I did as many of those as I could. Some said that I
will not be able to sync BCM info. That's fine as long as I can
still update outlook and sync. But if I update outlook is the
changes and additions going to show in BCM? When I first installed,
there was no wizzard as some suggested. Should I reinstall? Please,
help me I do not have a lot of time to waste on this type of office
work. I need to be out in the field making contacts. Hope I am not
confusing. I like the idea and the idea of getting reports. Hoping
this will help.

I use Outlook extensively. I am in sales and was looking for the
easiest and most effecient way to keep up with my contacts and the
sales process. BCM was
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]
My impression was that I would be using BCM like I use outlook but
with more options available that are helpful for sales people.

BCM v.3 has been made much more customizable than in the past but the
opportunity record remains limited by an ONLY 1 other linked object option.
Prophet's opportunity record is the heart of their CRM approach and this
feature is extremely customizable and flexible to adapt to many different
types of user requirements vs. the more "one-size-fits-all" feature of BCM.


Ed said:
I read your posts. You seem to be hung up on syncing with outlook
contacts, but want to use the added power of the BCM business contacts.

Why don't you stop syncing with outlook contacts and not even use the
outlook contacts part of the program?

You still use the outlook calendar with BCM, etc., just keep your info
only in BCM and sync just the BCM contacts.

I think that would solve your bottleneck.
Let me ask one more thing - Do I under stand this correctly? BCM is
like outlook but separate. So If I use BCM only then copy my Business
[quoted text clipped - 64 lines]

I'm sorry your experience with BCM has been, er, confusing.

Forgive me if you've already worked this out, but let me try to clarify...

Business Contact Manager is a feature of Outlook. Because so many people use
outlook for their mail, integrating your contact management with outlook is

BCM is intended to give those involved in sales a single place with which to
track and manage their activities. By collecting communication history
against Accounts (organizations you do business with) and Business Contacts
(people at those organizations), you can track all activity you or otheres
in your office have with companies and contacts.

BCM allows you to add additional fields (drop downs, check boxes, calendars
picker, etc) that matter for your business. BCM also lets you easily send
email communications to larger numbers of contacts.

As others have pointed out, BCM stores its information in a separate
database, and the information appears in a separate folder in Outlook.
Frankly, I've heard both great things ("I love to separate my personal and
business contacts between Outlook and BCM.") and complaints ("Why do I have
two places to store contacts?").

Please let us know whether or not you decide to go with BCM, and why.

Thank you,