Searching Multiple Workbooks

  • Thread starter ClarisOLeary via
  • Start date

ClarisOLeary via

Hi all

I require an easy and free way to search through multiple workbooks. However
the only ways i have located around this is via complex macros or buying an
application (which I do not want to do).

Say i have a new workbook and in cell A1 i want to do a search for the info i
type in there and i click an icon to run the search macro.
I want the macro to search 3 workbooks, named Alpha, Bravo and Charlie for
the word stated in A1.

All the excel workbooks are in the same folder, including the newly created

Can someone like try to create a scenario for a Macro please? Or maybe even
tell me of an easier way to search through multiple workbooks

Thank you




what exactly do you want your formula/macro to return? The workbook in
which the value is found? A sheet name? An address? A value next to the
found item?

Kostis Vezerides

ClarisOLeary via

I need it to copy an entire row (8 row cells to be precise) and paste them
into the answer field on the answer workbook

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