Searching image editor - simple and easily learned

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bror Johansson
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Bror Johansson

My wife would like to do some image editing (she's recently got a digital
camera) without having to learn all complexities of the editing SW that she
have seen me use for my purposes.

I think she want cropping, some (preferrably automatic) colorbalancing and
sharpening (easily accessible). Maybe also some simple grayscale level
adjustments and batch resampling. Freeware of course. Other functionalities
may of course be present, as long they do not disturb a little less
ambitious user.

I have searched, but not very succesfully - so far.

Any opinion?

Bror Johansson said:
My wife would like to do some image editing (she's recently got a
digital camera) without having to learn all complexities of the
editing SW that she have seen me use for my purposes.

I think she want cropping, some (preferrably automatic)
colorbalancing and sharpening (easily accessible). Maybe also some
simple grayscale level adjustments and batch resampling. Freeware of
course. Other functionalities may of course be present, as long they
do not disturb a little less ambitious user.

I have searched, but not very succesfully - so far.

Any opinion?


Well, the first two that come in mind are photofiltre (
and irfanview ( Bot can handle the request. Photofiltre
has brightness/contras icons on a toolbar, so that would be very easy


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Bror Johansson said:
My wife would like to do some image editing (she's recently got a digital
camera) without having to learn all complexities of the editing SW that she
have seen me use for my purposes.

I think she want cropping, some (preferrably automatic) colorbalancing and
sharpening (easily accessible). Maybe also some simple grayscale level
adjustments and batch resampling. Freeware of course. Other functionalities
may of course be present, as long they do not disturb a little less
ambitious user.

I have searched, but not very succesfully - so far.

Any opinion?

I could email you a copy of my free Babya Photo Workshop 6.5 which includes
Babya Photo Workshop Mini Lab that has the option of altering tone and
Invader Zim said:
I could email you a copy of my free Babya Photo Workshop 6.5 which includes
Babya Photo Workshop Mini Lab that has the option of altering tone and

Babya Photo Workshop includes aeasy to use color wand tool that can be
accessed via the main toolbar-change its settings through the tools panel. I
can email the current release, if interested in trying out and is freeware
for both personal/private and commercial use.
Somtime near Wed, 28 Jul 2004 22:14:52 +0200, "MightyKitten"
Well, the first two that come in mind are photofiltre (
and irfanview ( Bot can handle the request. Photofiltre
has brightness/contras icons on a toolbar, so that would be very easy


Let me add to that list Pixia, which has a lot of the same
functionality but also has more "in depth" stuff when she gets bored
of the simple stuff.
John L. Galt said:
Let me add to that list Pixia, which has a lot of the same
functionality but also has more "in depth" stuff when she gets bored
of the simple stuff.

I like pixa, but find it more a paint program as a photo editing program.
Pixia is more focused on creating drawings. But your right in the fact that
it could handle almost all request of the OP (I just couldn''t find a color
to grayscale option, but that might be me).


-- is the mailserver of mightykitten
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Somtime near Thu, 29 Jul 2004 10:06:36 +0200, "MightyKitten"
I like pixa, but find it more a paint program as a photo editing program.
Pixia is more focused on creating drawings. But your right in the fact that
it could handle almost all request of the OP (I just couldn''t find a color
to grayscale option, but that might be me).


There are two sets of filters (add-ons) for Pixia, and the link where
you get Massa also contains extra downloads - extended .dlls for fine
tuning JPEG and PNG graphic types.

I last used it when the 2.9f was released, and went back and saw it
had been upgraded to 3.1

As I have commercial software now I am not sure if I am going to be
using it much, but one if the things I liked about it was that it
loaded very quickly - and as far as editing, well, I used it about 2
years ago primarily for editing - as I am not a designer myself.