Searching for Partial URL



I was not sure where to post this so I am sorry for posting here if this is
the wrong spot.

I'm trying to locate a URL that ends in for a company in San Diego.
I forgot the first part of the URL the full URL might be somethign like
www.??? or www.???? where the ? represents some other letters.

Does anyone know of a way I could find that URL?

Robert Aldwinckle

Steve Walters said:
I was not sure where to post this so I am sorry for posting here if this is
the wrong spot.

I'm trying to locate a URL that ends in for a company in San Diego.
I forgot the first part of the URL the full URL might be somethign like
www.??? or www.???? where the ? represents some other letters.

Does anyone know of a way I could find that URL?

Is this a site you know you have visited so it will be in your History?
If so, learn how to use regular expressions with findstr and search
your History.IE5\index.dat with it.

Hint: from History.IE5 you can list all Visited sites by:

find /i "Visited:" index.dat

Therefore either pipe that into a findstr or modify it to use findstr
(or grep if you have that.)

Of course depending on how common that pattern is
in the whole list you may find it is sufficient just to enter this pipeline:

find /i "Visited:" index.dat | find /i ""

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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