Searching for MP3 on the network

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken Briscoe
  • Start date Start date
There are probably freeware tools on the net. I don't know of any off hand.
You can always map a drive and then use the simple search feature.

Best regards,
Brian Oakes, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support
Windows 2000 Server Networking Team

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Please reply to the newsgroup so that others may benefit.
Can I change my date and post something so it's stays up on top until 2048?
Click on Start, Search
then in the search criteria Type: *.mp3
and make sure that the "Look in:" reads "Local Harddrives"
"Marcio Ferreira" said in news:[email protected]:
Does anyone know a free utility for scan the workstations local disks
for MP3 files on a network??

I don't know if this is the correct place for this question, but
there is no Network Administration newsgroup...

Tks, Marcio

Fix your date. Future dating your post so it sticks at the top of a
sorted list of messages is rude.
Does anyone know a free utility for scan the workstations local disks for
MP3 files on a network??

I don't know if this is the correct place for this question, but there is no
Network Administration newsgroup...

Tks, Marcio