This gives me a better idea but you still haven't answered
three of my four questions.- Dölj citerad text -
- Visa citerad text -
Thanks again for the reply.
I want to run the file when I find it. For example, if im looking for
an excel file then excel should open it once it is found. Having said
that, I might wish to find a number of files. Fore example, all files
modified today. The windows search utility is perfect for this as it
lists all the files that match you requirements, but I only know how
to use it for one folder (and those folders located within this
- Is it always the same file name?
- What do you do with it when you've found it?
Run it, or view the contents of its folder.
- What do you do if it exists in two folders?
I want all matches listed just as you would aquire using the search
What you want to do can be achieved with a batch file. However,
it would be quite complex and therefore difficult for you to maintain.
A simpler approach consists of you arranging your folders inside
one and the same parent folder. This means that you have to run
just one single search each time.