
  • Thread starter Thread starter Diane
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What is the best way to do a search for a topic I'm
looking for in Moviemaker. The search in the new post
area does not seem to work to well- hard to read and is
not too specific-and the search from the top area is not
specific eough-I'm getting all kinds of info on other
kinds of crashes with the computer, I'm looking
specifically for mm2 crashes.
I do use Outlook Express but I use it only for my email.
I am doing my "search" on the internet through Microsoft
community newsgroups which is just a page on the internet
(or so I think.)and on that page is the search buttons-
one at the top,one right under microsoft, and the one I
use the most is right next to the new post/post reply
button. They all seem to look different when you click on
them and they give you different results as well. I just
want the "archived" area of movie maker results.

As you say, they all seem to be different, with different results. I don't
know anyplace that offers a full search of all posts from today back to Dec
17,2001, the first day for this newsgroup.

I have a link on my Online > Newsgroup page to one for statistics and
research.... but right now it only covers posts through the end of December.
And it's nice for browsing a particular month or year, but not really
effective for searching through all posts.

I have my own set of more recent posts, all of the past 12,000 or so. I use
Outlook Express and don't delete the posts after reading them... I use that
to do word searches through the past year's worth of posts.

Even my new Google search feature on my website doesn't pick up all that I
want.... yesterday, in testing it, I found 3 hits for the word 'HighMAT' and
none of them were the main page that I devoted to burning HighMAT CDs.

I guess, whatever you use to search, it's a good bet that it won't be
totally complete.... just highly useful - hopefully.
Hi there

I used to use for searches but I now use WebFerret a free program I got via John Kellys website Webferret pulls news out of web based forums and it also ranks the results for you., I use the pro version which has a larger search base to work from. If you take a look at John Kellys web site you will find a link from the Search Butto
The program has some clever search features. I love i

......Ron,Sunny Stirlin