Win Xp, FP2003, www.habcraft.co.uk
Having now almost finished my first web site I want to start working on the
search engine issues. Where is a good resource to go to in order learn about
constructing my web pages/text to allow potential visitors to find me when
they search the internet. I am most concerned with the technical issues. The
following represent typical questions in my mind at present.
1. Where do i place text on the page.
2. Do i put text into a table or free standing.
3. Should text go on the main page or one of the borders
4. Does the size and type of font effect its searchability.
5. Does text captured in a navigation button get recognised by search engines.
Can you reccomend an easy to understand for a novice, step by step,
hopefully with illustrations instruction resource.
Thanks for taking a look at my question
Having now almost finished my first web site I want to start working on the
search engine issues. Where is a good resource to go to in order learn about
constructing my web pages/text to allow potential visitors to find me when
they search the internet. I am most concerned with the technical issues. The
following represent typical questions in my mind at present.
1. Where do i place text on the page.
2. Do i put text into a table or free standing.
3. Should text go on the main page or one of the borders
4. Does the size and type of font effect its searchability.
5. Does text captured in a navigation button get recognised by search engines.
Can you reccomend an easy to understand for a novice, step by step,
hopefully with illustrations instruction resource.
Thanks for taking a look at my question