Annie Whitley
I'm sincerely hoping this is possible and doable but not that optimistic
I have data in one workbook (Info) that needs to fill into data in another
workbook (Reports) i.e. the data fills in the gaps. There is one sheet per
Employee in each of the Workbooks. INFO has unique employee Reference number
(URN) in L30 as last 4 values in a text string. Reports has URN as value in
The Info workbook has been produced by another department and the way the
data has been laid out it would take a lot of cleaning up to make it usable
(merged fields etc).
What I would love to be able to do is pick up URN from N1 in the first sheet
of Reports then loop through the sheets in Info to match UPN to a cell in the
corresponding sheet. NB UPN is part of string in Info.
Then I would like to pick up values and colour format (shading) from range
B41:C45(INFO) and paste into range C19
23 (Reports). The next range to copy
is E41:E45 but this is a merged range E:F. Then paste to E19:E23.
Then move onto sheet 2 in reports and do the same again etc etc.
There are nearly 100 sheets in each wkbk.
What do you think?
I also have to say that I'm just a dabbler in VBA. I mostly adapt stuff I've
found here and on other forums. Totally understand if I'm expecting too much!
Thank you
I'm sincerely hoping this is possible and doable but not that optimistic

I have data in one workbook (Info) that needs to fill into data in another
workbook (Reports) i.e. the data fills in the gaps. There is one sheet per
Employee in each of the Workbooks. INFO has unique employee Reference number
(URN) in L30 as last 4 values in a text string. Reports has URN as value in
The Info workbook has been produced by another department and the way the
data has been laid out it would take a lot of cleaning up to make it usable
(merged fields etc).
What I would love to be able to do is pick up URN from N1 in the first sheet
of Reports then loop through the sheets in Info to match UPN to a cell in the
corresponding sheet. NB UPN is part of string in Info.
Then I would like to pick up values and colour format (shading) from range
B41:C45(INFO) and paste into range C19

is E41:E45 but this is a merged range E:F. Then paste to E19:E23.
Then move onto sheet 2 in reports and do the same again etc etc.
There are nearly 100 sheets in each wkbk.
What do you think?
I also have to say that I'm just a dabbler in VBA. I mostly adapt stuff I've
found here and on other forums. Totally understand if I'm expecting too much!
Thank you